CCR1984271RESOLUTION 11271-84 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE AFFIDAVIT OF ASSESSOR BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, does hereby accept the Affidavit of Assessor relating to the list of all real property liable for an assessment for the year 1984 in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District, which is attached and made a part hereof. DATED THIS /I& DAY OF , 1984. Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk 12/84 jm PREPARED FOR CITY OF MUSKEGO 1983 MUSKEGO - MNS DISTRICT AS MENDED FOR 198G PREPARED BY PAUL M. DeANGELIS, C.R.A. ASSESSOR, CITY OF MUSKEGO September 5, 1964 TO: Mayor Wa)ne Salentine City Clerk Charlotte Stewart City of Huskego Comm Council FROM: Paul DeAngelis, City Assessor il The total 1983, net, equalized, full value of all taxable property for apportionment purposes within the mSD area as aended for the year 196; full value determination of the City of Muskgo and thzt portion of the City of New Berlin, served through the City of Muskego is r S307,871,566 PMD: llm r"-_ .I \ / AFFIDAVIT OF ASSESSOR I, Paul M. DeAngelis, Assessor for the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do solemly wear that the attached list of key numbers and the following figures, taken from a tentative assessment roll held in the office of the Assessor, contains to my best infomation and belief a complete list of all real and personal property liable for an assessment for the past year (1983) in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District and as amended for the present year 1984; this information compiled in accordance with the request af City Clerk - Charlotte Stewart. I ASSESSED VALUES OF MSD PARCELS EXCLUDING MANUFACTLXING PWPERTIES Within the City of Muskega Boundzries: Assessed Values Parcels keyed individnally 405 1 $119,764,803 Severed Parcels Sub Total 6 172,520 4057 $119,937,323 Parcels provided by City of New Serlin 110 896,210 To tal 4167 $120,833,533 I EQUALIZED VALUES OF !IYSD PARCELS ISCLUDING ?lAClWACTL‘RING PROPERTIES V Equalized or Full Value as detenined by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue‘s 1984 eqn~alized ratios: 1984 Estimated Full Value State Dept. of %!venue (Xfg. 3iv.)(100%) $ 8,926,130 Muskego (Equalized Ratio - (39.238) 305,666,172 New Berlin (Equalized Ratio - (24.67) 3,632,785 TOTAL $318,225,087 T. I, D. VALUES l3CLLQING XANUFACTLXING PROPERTIES The total figure which represents Tax Incremental Districts 92, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 equalized value increase between the Tax Increaental base value and the current, equalized value of all taxable property within the MMS District is ................ $ 10,353,521 Total Net Equalized Full Value as determined for apportionment purposes is ........... Subscribed & sworn to before me this -7- day of September, 1984. e -. - 6,. . /Tr-,L,. Paul X. D’AngeLis/ A\ssessor &< ~ ,-I. City of Lskego Notary Pyblic, Waukesha County PROPERTY WIi7IN THIS DISTXICT (IXCLUOES NFi BERLIN APEA) AND D.O.R. MANUFACTUFUSG PROPERTIES. REXL. ESTATE e.3 V.UL!E OF W.2 VALUE OF IE'XXKFNTS AXD LWKlW.3.ilS sidential Class A 1 3849 3416 82,346,704 192,460,115 cLqtile Class B I 149 109 5,568.581 18,208,904 ufact'lricg Class C/ 805,600 7,100,400 icultllral Class D I 45 18 3,066,415 710,943 ered Parcels I 6 3 343,544 96,131 274,806,819 23,777,485 7,906,000 3,777,358 439,675 I I I I I ,218,576,493 I 310,707,337 / TOTAL OF ALL ASSESSED VALUES OF MMSD PARCELS (EXCLCSING LMANLFACTURING f. PROPERTIES) WITHIN THE CITIES OF MUSKEG0 h NEM BEXIN. r 16300 West National Avenue I New Berlin. Wisconsin 53151 4141iraw610 August 29, la24 e hskego Clty Hall Paul DeAngelis, Assessor uuskego, WI 53150 U132 58200 Racine Ave. Dear Hr. DeAngelis: Here is the information for personal and real properr:; locar+t in the CLry of Hew Berlin which has Muskego sewer. It is broke; tokn irto szaller TOUPS for you. The equalized rate for 1983 was estahlis?.rd by :?e State of iirsconsin as 24.67% of tt,e fair market value. I_ A B 115,350 452,082 19,990 52.170 Personal Property - Class " Total __ 11 12 13 3,430 45 2,u15 JANESVILLE RD. AREA IN MUSKEG0 SEWER Real Estate - __ Class ~ Lapd Imp-ovements A 5,470 36,230 B 23,600 115,500 Personal Property - - Class ~ Total 11 0 12 29,805 13 125 Please contact us if you have any questions. Very truly yours, JCF/glm 5' Jerome C. Hudy City Pssessor CITY OF MUSKEGO 1984 Listed below are additional Tax Key Numbers added to the 1984 MMSD Roll caused by divisions of property within that given tax year. 2168.978.001 2190.996.003 2205.010.001 2196.953.004 2206.998.004 2206.998.003 2206.998.005 2207.997.004 2221.016.001 mitted in the "Affidavit of Assessor" for the 1983 WSD District The above Tax Key Nmbers are in addition to the nmbers sub- within the Cities of Muskego and New Berlin. ******** STATE OF WISCONSIN Department of Revenue Tax Incremental Districts Equalize Vzlue Increase T. I.D. #2. ................. $2,460,983 *T.I.D.#4. ................. 43,425 T. I.D.#5. ................. 425,640 T. I. D. 16. ................. 184,826 *T.I.D.#7. ................. 4,166,181 T.I.D.#~. ................. 3,072,466 Total Incremental Equalized Full Value Increase. $10,353.521 *Determined by Local Assessor ********* Local Equalized Ratio's as determined by the State Department of Revenue are used in this report. City of Muskego - 1984 - Equalized. . 39.238% City of New Berlin. ......... 24.67% (As of this date New Berlin has no equalized ratio; therefore, the 1983 ratio was again used., I . .. . , I EQUALIZED VALUES' OF ,"dYSiJ PARCELS INCLUDING MANUFACTURING PROPERTIES W1TFiI:J TAX INCRE3ENTAL DISTRICT NO. 4 EQUALIZED VALUES* OF ,YUY=rj3 PA'CELS INCLUDING MANUFACTURING PROPERTIES a WITHIN TAX INCREXE?dTdL DIST2ICT NO. 5 P z LI C S 4 V U L .rl LI Lr' C v n u 0 Jrn -40 w- OF- w.4 > a E HO m am 0 rnaJ 0 0 0 P- m - -3 N N m - 0 0 0 0 0 m d rl N r-l 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 N 0 lm" O 0 0 d 4 r-l 0 CJ aJaJ md