CCR1984225RESOLUTION ~(225-a4 APPROVAL OF TRANSITION PLAN FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING (Handicapped Regulations) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the Transition Plan attached hereto and made a part hereof. DATED THIS DAY OF , I 984. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Raiph Tomczyk 40 ATTEST : City Clerk jm FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF HANDICAP TRANSITION PLAN CITY HALL Immediate Plan 1. Mark Restrooms with identification in Braille. 2. Request Telephone Company to install a Voice Ampliflier on the phone in the lobby. 3. Adjust closing mechanism on entry doors to allow for easier access by a wheelchair person. 4. If able to maintain privacy, remove one door to each restroom on the first floor to allow easier access. 5. Because the water fountains are not accessible, prepare a sign to be posted at each fountain, "Notice to Handicapped Hall Closed, obtain in Library)". - Drinking Cups Available at Reception Desk (when City 0 6. Remove rubber mat with protrusions inside entry door to allow wheelchair to maneuver. 7. Establish policy that anyone wishing to enroll in Parks and Recreation activities with that department in the lower level, may do so on the first floor. Prior to 1O/I7/86 1. Install different type of entry door to allow easier access for wheelchair person at the time the library is remodeled. 2. At the time the library is remodeled, install one faucet in each restroom easier to operate for the handicapped. 3. Install elevator at time of Library Expansion. MUNICIPAL GARAGE Immediate Plan 1. Install asphalt ramp to allow entry to City garage by a person in a wheelchair. -2- HORN FIELD 1. Include in program schedule of activities that Horn Field is not accessible to the handicapped. Note that the Requests for handicapped participation in Tot Lot or alternate site of Bluhm Park is available for hardball. Safety Town should be directed to the Recreation Supervisor. An alternate location for these activities could be found upon request. PARKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING 1. Not accessible to handicapped. Parks Supervisor to advise public that he will meet persons in the adjacent garage rather than in office. LION'S PARK AND KURTH PARK 1985 1. Install handrails in both restrooms. 2. Lion's Park - Install asphalt ramp to Activity Room. 3. Kurth Park - Install paved path from parking lot to building. 0 BLUHM PARK - 1985 1. Install asphalt path to restroom from parking lot. JENSEN PARK Prior to October 17, 1986 1. Ladies Room - Switch entry door to swing out and install handrail. lock. Remove divider by one water closet, install 2. Mens Room - Remove divider by one water closet, install handrail. 3. Dance Classes on upper level. If requested by a wheelchair person, could move downstairs. Note that accessible. exercise class is held at Denoon Center, which is -3- 0 IDLE ISLE Immediate Plan 1. Insert the following statement on the form used for rental of the park: "Porta-potties used at site are not accessible to the handicapped. Key is available for building housing restrooms upon request and deposit."* 1. Reinstall small aluminum pier to provide access to boats by handicapped, until determination on sale of Idle Isle to 10/17/86 to provide access for handicapped. is made. If park not sold, re-construct boat dock prior 2. Enlarge interior doorways to restrooms, remove partition, and install handrails.* *Alternate Plan 1. Due to hours building not open and vandalism at site, remove all toilet facilities, including porta-potties, and install signs "NO Restroom Facilities Available". Question of discrimination avoided as no facilities would be available to anyone. 0 LIBRARY Immediate Plan 1. Because card catalog files too high, post sign that if assistance required, please ask librarian. 2. Story Hour for preschoolers located in lower level without access for handicapped. If requested, appropriate accommodations would be made for handicapped. 1. Purchase adjustable poles to grasp books too high to staff. reach, with training for the handicapped by the library Prior to 10/17/86 1. Correct lack of floor space to allow maneuverability of wheelchairs at time of library expansion. -4- HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES 1985 1. Request Parks Supervisor to determine number of parking spaces at following locations, and designate appropriate number of parking stalls for the handicapped by the use of approved signs: Jensen Park Denoon Senior Center City Garage Horn Field Kurth Park Bluhm Park Parks Department Idle Isle Park The person designated to implement the program shall be the City Clerk.