CCR1984182RESOLUTION # 182-84
(Ladwig Drive Sewer Project)
NOW COMES the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,
by its City Council and for its Relocation Order hereby resolves as
! 1. That this Resolution is a Relocation Order in accordance
I with Section 32.05 (l), Wisconsin Statutes, for the purposes of the with-
in described public improvement project and it is also a determination
of necessity for that project in accordance with Section 32.07 (Z),
1 Wisconsin Statutes;
2. That the City of Muskego hereby determines that it is ne-
cessary and a public purpose to construct sanitary sewer for sewer im-
provements as shown on the map attached hereto, made a part hereof and
marked Exhibit "A";
3. That permanent easements and other necessary temporary I construction easements are necessary to build sanitary sewer as set
forth on the map which is annexed to this Relocation Order as Exhibit
1, A 1, and is incorporated herein.
4. That the sites of said permanent easement and other ne-
cessary temporary construction easements are contained in Exhibit "A"
which is incorporated herein; that legal descriptions to said sites
are attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "B-1" through
T7 B- 3 I8 . P I 5. That the City of Muskego will acquire permanent easements k for sanitary sewer improvements and certain other necessary temporary
1 construction easements as indicated on Exhibits "A" and "B-1" through
I Passed and approved this llttday of September, 1984.
I hereby certify that on the llthday of September, 1984,
the within Relocation Order as adopted by a vote of 7 ayes to
0 nays by the City Council of the City ofMuskego, Waukesha County,
APPROVED: I Wisconsin.
"EO,*TT.C i..D SY."LIOI.
.-e "CDF.,:. STlCFT
July 20, 1984
FOR: City of Muskego
Proposed Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement
Exhibit 'A'
All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 10 and the
Northeast 1/4 of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East,
City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being a 60.00
fot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described
as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 10; thence
North 1°11'17g West, 25.00 feet along the East line of said
Section 10, to the North line of the existing WEPCo
right-of-way; thence South 87O48'11' West, 210.00 feet along
said North line to the centerline of Ladwig Drive and the
place of beginning; thence South 8O38'00" East, 231.46 feet;
thence South 87°48'11' West, 997.87 feet to the centerline of
an existing 60.00 foot reserved right-of-way as described in
Certified Survey Map Document No. 917182; thence South
2O11'49" East, 162 feet more or less along said centerline to
the North line of the property described in Document No.
118250 and the point of termination. The above described
60.00 foot wide permanent sanitary sewer easement across the
following parcels of record:
Parcel Proposed Permanent
NO. Owner Recording Data Easement Acquisition
1. Wisconsin Electric Power
2. Audrey Oschman
3. Robert 6 Ione Klenz Doc. No. 1170784
0.07 acres
DOC. NO. 170496 1.38 acres
(Warranty Deed)
(Quit Claim Deed)
In reserved R.O.W. 0.20 acres
Not reserved R.O.W. 0.27 acres
Richard A. Eberhardt, R.L.S.
. .. _:
July 20, 1984
FOR: City of Muskego
Proposed Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement
and Temporary Construction Easement
Exhibit "B"
All that part ot the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section
10, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin, being a 15.00 foot wide strip of land
lying Northerly, parallel and adjacent to a line lying 33
feet Northerly,measured normal to the lines of the following
described parcel:
Commencing at the southeast 1/4 corner of Section 10; thence
North along the East line of said 1/4 section 1098.88 feet;
thence south 64D29'00" West 700.00 feet to the place of
beginning; thence due North 517.49 feet; thence South
89°11'20' West, 220.48 feet; thence due south 546.83 feet;
thence south 89O45'42" East 151.12 teet; thence North
64'29'00" East, 76.92 feet to the point of beginning. The
above 15.00 foot wide permanent sanitary sewer easement
together with a 10.00 foot vide temporary construction
easement lying Northerly, parallel and adjacent to said
permanent sanitary sewer easement across the following parcel
of record.
Owner: Viola Kurtze Prop'd Perm.
0.13 acres
Kenneth Ward
I I I 1 I I I
"""""_ ""
SEWER EASEMEN 1 3 "-x- - - -
DOC. No. 1170496
.9 99
SCALE I.= 100' I
July 20, 1984
FOR: City of Muskego
Proposed Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement
Exhibit "C"
All that part of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section
10, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha
Northerly, parallel and adjacent to a line lying 33 feet
County, Wisconsin being a 10.00 foot wide strip of land lying
Northerly, measured normal to the South line ot the following
described parcel:
Commencing at the Southeast 1/4 corner of Section 10; thence
North along said 1/4 section line 1098.98': thence South
64°29'00" West, 600 feet to the place of beginning; thence
South 64'29'00" West, 100.00 feet; thence due North 517.49
South to the place of beginning. The above described 10.00
feet; thence North 89°11'20' East, 90.39 feet; thence due
foot wide permanent sanitary sewer easement across the
following parcel of record.
Owner: Sandra J. h Paul Drobot Proposed Permanent
0.02 acres
Easement Acquisition
Kenneth Ward