CCR1984129RESOLUTION #129-84 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE EASEMENT FOR SANDY BEACH PUMPING STATION (WEPCO) WHEREAS. in order to provide electric service to the Sandy Beach Pumping Station at S77 W16013 Woods Road, it is necessary to grant an easement on city-owned property to the Wisconsin Electric Power Company, and WHEREAS, the Public Sewer Committee and Finance Committee have recommended approval. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance and Sewer Committees, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to property at 577 W16013 Woods Road, to the Wisconsin Electric execute an agreement to provide an easement on city-owned Power Company for the purpose of providing underground electric service to the Sandy Beach Pumping Station. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. &,>+ Walph Tomczyk fl ATTEST: City Clerk 6/84 jm I ..-. - 0 \ Form 5EaE.1-11-51-500 l3.a UammmiT & CO. ONLY UAL AND CORPORATB FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the cum of One Dollar ($1.00) to it... paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, .......................................................... CITY OF MUSKEGO, a municipal ................ corporation ........._......... ..................... ... ........... - ........................ " ......-......_... ... " ...... _.._ ...... ........................................... I ........................................................................ ......... ................................................................................. owner ........ and grantor ........, do..%.. hereby convey unto WISCONSIN tLKtRlC POWiR COMPANY grontee, its successors and assigns, the right, permlsslon and authorit to construct, Install operate, repair, maintain and replace conduit and cables underground, to ether w thmmlrkahxorad other op urtenant P equipment; also the right to construct, in8tall, operate, ma ntaln and lace h) electric padkounted r transformer (r), XWK oiectric pad-mounted switch-fuse unit(s), to er with AM concrete siob(s), secondary power pedestal Is) riser equipment, termlnols, markers and and usual appurtenant and boneath rfrlps ...Q f...land...wnrr.iog..ln..~~~th..b~inQ..~..pa~.t..R~ .t~..G~~~R~~..'...~~~~.~e~ ..... I!!. the,,.Southwost. 1L~...Of.,J.hf?. .~~.~~.~~~.~.~...~~~... ~f...~.~~.~.~~.~..~.~.,...~ow~~.~~~..~...North.,.,.Ra.n.~e ........ ..................................................... particularly described I In ............................................................................................................................................ that certain Warranty Deed recorded in the office of .the. .Regl.sfar...:..af. .O~e~...ln..~~kerha..~o~~,..l.n..R~l. .5~r...Imaga..44L...an..J.u~~...8 ,... 19.83. .... equipment above ground, a11 for the urpose of transmitting electric energy for ii ht, heot, power and signals, or for such other purpose a8 e P ectrlc current is now or moy hereafter be use 8 upon, ocross, within 20 .......... East, .............................. City of Muskeqo " f ....................................... Waukesha County I ......................... Wisconsin- said premises being more ......... 1 ...................................................................... .as..Rac.umen.t..#.1220428 .............. ............................................................................................................ ............... -. ................ .-. .... ......................................................................................................................................... ....... ....................................................... .......... ...-..... - .......................................................... ......................... ................................................. ................................ ............................................................................................... .................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 111 nrcrssary, cantlnua on revorso tido) The location of the easrmrnt respect to the premises of the gran t In as shown an the drawing attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" L@k (orsol bnlmUlra) of the easement hereinbefore granted with and mode a part horeof. The right, permission and authority in also granted to said grantee, its successors and assigns, to con- struct, install, operate maintain and replace one II I electric underground service ioterol in ond under the rontor. .. premises /or the urpore of extendin electric servlce to said premises. Said underground service kteral to bo Installed at suc 1 time and In auch 9 ocatlon os grantee, Its wtcemorn and assigns, may deem nocassary. cut down certain troes ondlor brush where told trees and/or brush Interfere wlth the installation or main- The right, permlnslon and authority in also granted said grantee, It8 successors and assigns to trim andlor tenance of underground facilltie# or rrprrsent a hazard to such facilities. close proximity to said eioctric facilities as to creote a vlolotion of the Wisconsln State Electrical Code or will be erected ovor or undor sold underground ondlor obove ground electric focilitles or erected in such ony omendments thereto. The grantor .. .!.ts. heirs, successors and assigns, further cavenont. .s... and 0gree.S. thot the elevation of the existing ground surface within the easement oreas will not be oltered by more than four 141 inches without the written consent of grantee. The grantee ond its agents shoii have the right to enter the premises of the undersigned for the purpose premises of the undersigned, os nearly as is reasonably possible, to the condition existing prior to such entry of exercising the rights herein acquired, but the grantee agrees to restore or cause to hove restored, the underground ondlor obove ground electric focilities or to ony brush or trees which may be removed ot any by the grantee or its ogents. This restoration, however, does not oppiy to the initial instollation of soid time pursuont to the rights herein granted. and thot in the event the undersigned seeks to secure electric service from said underground facilities, such it is understood and agreed thot the entire agreement of the parties is contained in this instrument service will be rendered upon the installation and energizing of wid underground facilities, and then only under the conditions of the grantee's rules and regulotlons and ot the grantee's authorized rotes. ........ The grantor ... ...., ....... helrn, successors and aasipns, covenant.S ..... and 0groe.s. thot no structures assigns of all portias harrto. This gront of rosrmont shall br blndlng upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and (SEAL) (SEAL) City of Muskego, a municipal corporation ATTEST: Mayor BY City Clerk Notary Public. Co.,Wis. My commission orpiros STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY 1 : ss Parronolly came boloro nm this day 01 , 19-, thoobovo nomod IO ma hewn IO be Ihs porson -who oamcutod tho loropoinp instrumont and acknowlodgod tho ram*. 0 Notary Public, Co.,Wis. My commission oxpiror Nolory Public, Co.,Wis. My commission expires This instrument was droltod by Patrlcla 0. Cayo on bohall of Wisconsin Eloctric Powor Compony. I . .. \ \ \ ,1 i I. I ! I I ! :I .. . ! ! ’[ i i ! 1: I ’ !. I ! I, I.. :.-