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CCR1984067RESOLUTION 867-84 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF EPA GRANT AMENDMENT SEWER INTERCEPTOR PROJECT - CONTRACT 10-83 WHEREAS, at the time Contract Documents were prepared for the agreement on the date that MMSD would have the Franklin-Muskego sewer interceptor project, the City and MMSD had not yet reached Interceptor ready for connection, and WHEREAS, it now appears that MMSD will have the F-M Interceptor complete prior to completion of Muskego's Interceptor, which would permit the present contractor to make the permanent provided in the contract, and connection, rather than the connection to the wet well as WHEREAS, the Public Sewer Committee and Finance Committee have recommend approval of an amendment to EPA Grant No. C550810-03 in the amount of $5508.25 for the installation of an extra manhole at Lannon Drive and Woods Road for the final connection of existing sewer to the interceptor. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Sewer Committee and Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor to execute a request to the DNR for an amendment to EPA Grant No. C550810-03 manhole in Project 10-83. in the amount of $5508.25 for the installation of an extra BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this cost shall be charged to the Sewer Utility with the same pro-ration as applies to the sewer interceptor project. DATED THIS 10 DAY OF A PRlL , 1984. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST : City Clerk 4/84 jm