CCR1984030RESOLUTION #30-84 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF PARCEL OF LAND FOR BASS BAY SEWER PROJECT (Malecki) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby approves that the city purchase the property of James J. and Judith M. Malecki as stated in the Relocation Order for the purchase price of $-0-, and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the city, and hereby waives any contingency in the Offer to Purchase and approves of the same. DATED THIS 4 g#l DAY OF , 1984. FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST : City Clerk 2/84 jm Ald. Edwin P. Durnke Ald. uitchel Penovich ALL L/L-, Ald. Charles Colburn . , ,, ...... -. ... ................ - ,;*. ........... VACANT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE ..... ..... .... .. ........ ........ ................... ............................. 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" - " - - - ......... .~. , .. ... -- - I sp.ec,!al ................... asscssmcnts etc. ..... .. I .. I THIS OFFER IS HERERY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE HFRFIN SURVIVE 1 CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEKEBY AGKEES TO SELL AND C0NVF.Y .THE AB0 ' MENT~ONEDPROPERTYONTHETERMSANDCOND~T~ONSASSETFOKTHANDACKNOWLEDGESREC~~IPTOFACI ' OF THIS AGREEMENT ...a. :.a,> ......... ... (SI ............ ......... ............ ................. IY w EASEMENT TllIS INDI<NTUHE, made this day of 1 1984, by and between JAMES J. MALECKI and JUDITH M. MALECKI, husband and wife, as joint tenants and STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPT. OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, hereinaEter reEerred to as party of the first part and CITY OF MUSKEGO, located in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the party oE the Eirst part, JAMES J. MALECKI and JUDITH M. MALECKI, owns a parcel of real estate and STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPAKTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, holds a mortgage on said real estate located in the City oE Muskego and described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "X" WHEREAS, party of the second part has requested from the party of the first port a permanent easement €or sanitary sewer purposes including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the sewer (and a temporary construction easement); NOW, THEREFORE, party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do grant and convey unto the party oE the second party, forever, a permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction oE the sewer (and a temporary con-. struction easement) in the City OE Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on, over and in the Eollowing described real estate: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "Y" USE OF LAND Party oE the first part consents to the entry of the employees, workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of the second part €or and incidental to the construction, repair and maintenance and reconstruction of said sewer and will not disturb or interfere with such sewer or prevent ingress or egress, thereto for the purpose oE construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction thereof. The parties expressly acknowledge that the party of the second part may allow others not parties to this easement to use the ease- ment for the purposes indicated above. - .. Malecki e described as: That part of the land described in the aforesaid Exhibit "X" All that part of the Northwest \ and Northeast \ of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being a 30.00 ft. wide strip of land, the centerline of vhich is described as follows: Commencing at the North corner of said Section 15; thence North 87" 48' 11" E.xst, along the North line of the Northeast % of Section 15, 226.00 Et.; thence South 1" 20' 39" East, along the centerline of an existing 30.00 ft. wide private road (Bay Lane Plat, 729.80-.ft.; thence South 45' 42' 51" West, 20.49 ft. to the place of beginning; thcnce continuing South 45' 37' 19" West, 304.89 ft.i, thcrlce South 37' 02' 04" West, 109.45 Et.;' thence South 62' 39' 34 Wcst, 349.9G ft.; t11vllc.c South 88" 36' 149 Wpst, 1414.58 ft.; thence North 0' 56' 41" West, 60.27 ft.; thence South 89" 06' 49" West, 224.38 Et. to the point of termination aIso a temporary snnitauy sewer cor1sI.ruct.ion P;ISCIIIC.I~~, being n 10.00 ft. wide strip of 1,~nrJ l.ying SolrLherly, parnllcl and adjacent to the above described permanent sanitary sewer easement, beginning at the Easterly side line extended of lands as recorded on Doc. No. 971600, thence Southwesterly to the Southwesterly line of lands as recorded on Doc. No. 772742, Waukesha County Register of Deeds, and point of termination. Sai.d parcel contains 0.04 acres, more or less. THIS INDENTURE, upon its acceptance by the party of the 9’ first part, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, party of the first part has executed this indenture the day and year first above written. ~~ ~ JAMES J. MALECKI ~ JUDITH M. MALECKI STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA 1 )SS. Personally came beEore me this , day of 1983, the above named JAMES J. MALECKI and JUDITH M. MALECKI, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS By : By : STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) )ss. Personally came beEoce me this day of I ~ 1983, the above named of STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFALilS, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. THIS INSTHUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. 720 Clinton Street, P. 0. Box 766 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-0766 .I NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: 2