CCR1984026RESOLUTION #26-84 ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR SEWER UTILITY VEHICLE MIEREAS, the City of Muskego advertised for bids for one new 1984 cab and chassis with equipment as specified, and WHEREAS, the following bids have been received: Holz Motors, Inc. 1984 Chevrolet w/Morysville Body/Venturo Crane $12,575.00 w/Knapheide Body/1500 Auto Crane 12,680.00 w/Stahl Body/Venturo Crane 12.275.00 Badger Ford 1984 Ford 12,576.46 Xetro Sales 1984 GMC 13,011 .OO WHEREAS, the Public Sewer Committee and the Finance Comittee have reviewed the bids, and have recommended that the bid of addition of $622 for radio equipment. $12,575.00 from Holz Motors, lnc. be accepted, with the THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Sewer Committee and the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the bid of $12,575.00 from Holz Motors, Inc. for a 1984 Chevrolet with i.iorysville Body and Venturo Crane, with the addition of $622 for radio equipment, with funds from TID 1-7. DATED THIS \q DAY OF FEARvRRL~ , 1984. I FINANCE COf.PLITTEE Ald. Edwin Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Charles Colburn ATTEST: