CCR1983323RESOLUTION #323-83 e LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD AND PARTICIPATING LIBRARIES AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FEDERATED WHEREAS, on March 24, 1981, the Common Council approved the joining of the Waukesha County Federated Library System; and WHEREAS, the Library Board has requested the City's execu- tion of an Agreement Between the Federated Library System Board and Participating Libraries with an effective date of January, 1984, to be effective from the date of the contract and continue in force unless terminated according to Wisconsin Statutes 43.18(1); and WHEREAS, the agreement. Finance Committee has reviewed this e NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, does hereby authorize the Mayor to execute an Agreement Between the Federated Library System Board and Participating Libraries effective January, 1984. ATTEST : City Clerk 12/83 jm