CCR1983306RESOLUTION #306-83 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN A COUNTY-WIDE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM of the 1983-85 biennial session, adopted Section 144.792 and 144.794 of the Statutes, providing for solid waste recycling and resource recovery, and municipal waste control flow, all as therein set forth; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature, with the passage of Act 27 WHEREAS, the Waukesha County Solid Waste Management Board has requested all 37 municipalities in the county to signify concentrate on incineration of waste, and minimize the need for their intent to participate in such a program, which would costly and controversial solid waste disposal sites; and WHEREAS, the expression of intent is not legally binding, e is not a contract, is not an obligation to pay fees, and is subject to the negotiation of future contracts; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that the foregoing program be studied, and if fair, feasible, and economical, be considered for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council, upon the recommendation of the Public Welfare Committee, as follows: 1. That it intends to participate in a county program of municipal waste control flow, and recycling and hereinbefore stated. resource recovery, subject to the provisions 2. That this resolution is not an approval of the wishes of the owners thereof; and condemnation of waste disposal sites against the 3. This resolution is not an approval of violations of disposal authority, and in fact such violations are local zoning regulations by the county or any waste totally opposed. e DATED THIS ~A~~DAY OF +lnMdd , 1983. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE ATTEST : a City Clerk