CCR1983274RESOLUTION #274-83 RELOCATION ORDER OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN (Kurtze Lane) e e e NOW COMES the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, by its City Council and for its Relocation Order hereby resolves as follows : 1. That this Resolution is a Relocation Order in accordance with Section 32.05(1), Wisconsin Statutes, for the purposes of the within described public improvement project and it is also a determination of necessity for that project in accordance with Section 32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes; 2. That the City of Muskego hereby determines that it is necessary and a public purpose to construct a permanent storm drainage easement for water course improvements as shown on the map attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "K"; (fried tu kunTzE 3. That said permanent storm drainage easement and other c; /e) necessary temporary construction easements will be built as set forth on the map which is annexed to this Relocation Order as Exhibit "K" and is incorporated herein. 4. That the sites of said permanent storm drainage easement and other necessary temporary construction easements are contained in Exhibit "K" which is incorporated herein; that legal descriptions to said sites are attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "L-1" through "L-6"; 5. That the City of Muskego will acquire permanent storm drainage easements for storm drainage water course improvements and certain other necessary temporary construction easements as indicated on Exhibits "K" and "L-1" through "L-6". Passed and approved this /! & day of fl)(e~,,) , I hereby certify that on the 11 day of OCTO~ER , 1983. 1983, the within Relocation Order as adopted by a vote of 7 ayes to 0 nays by the City Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. APPROVED: ATTEST: WAYNE'G. SALENTINE, Mayor CHARLOTTE STEWART, Clerk 1. RUEKERT & MIELKE. INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS RLGISIFIIED LAUD *"I"C*0~5 WLUKESHA. WISCONSIN 53186-5694 470 FIIEDEIIICI srRcET TELSPIIONE 1.1.1 ,.a-,,,, August 24, 1983 FOR: City of Muskego Permanent Storm Drainage Easement for Water Course Improvements Reference No. 1 All that part of the Northwest % of Section 15, Town 5 North, being a 20.00 foot wide strip of land lying Northerly, parallel Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, and adjacent to the following described property line; Commencing at the West k corner of Section 15; thence along a traverse line the following described courses: North 10" 33' 23" East, 432.12 feet; North 42O 48' 03" East, 979.72 feet; and North 41° 55' 53" East, 187.98 feet; thence North 88' 32' 23" East, 1005 feet; thence North lo 27' 37" West, 30.00 feet to the North line of Kurtze Lane and the place of beginning of said property line; thence Easterly along an existing property line and fence line 635 feet more or less to the Westerly shore- line of Bass Bay on Big Muskego Lake and point of termination, said easement containing 0.29 acres,together with a 30 foot wide temporary construction easement lying Northerly, parallel and adjacent to the above described strip of land. 0 Owner: Glenn Pellman Richard Guenther i. 4 ,August 24, 1983 0 FOR: City of Muskego Permanent Storm Drainage Easement for Water Course Improvements Reference No. 2 All that part of the Northwest % of Section 15, Town 5 North, being a 30.00 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, is described as follows: Commencing at the West 6 corner of Section 15; thence along a traverse line the following described courses: North loo 33' 23" East, 432.12 feet; North 42" 48' 03" East, 979.72 feet and North 41' 55' 53" East, 187.98 feet: thence North 88O 32' 23" East, along the centerline of Kurtze Lane,1105.92 feet: thence South lo 29' 37" East, along East line of Kurtze Lane, 339..14 feet to the place of beginning of said centerline; thence North 88O 30' 23" East, 200.00 feet to the point of termination, construction easements being 10.00 feet wide strips of land said easement containing 0.138 acres. Together with temporary described 30.00 foot wide strip of land. lying on both sides, being parallel and adjacent to the above Owners: Viola Kurtze Judith M. Strampe David C. Ludwig Richard C. Guenther RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. mco1srcnw LAND SVWEIOIS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS .I. r"EDc"lCI .I"IET WAUKESHA. WISCONSIN 53188-5894 8-23-83 FOR: City of Muskego Permanent Storm Drainage Easement For Water Course Improvements I. REFERENCE NO. 3 All that part of the Southwest t of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: 351, 555, Vol. 547 Page 113; thence Easterly along an existing Commencing at the Northeast corner of lands described on Doc. No. 43" West, 86.00 Ft.; thence South 21' 50' 01'' West, 155.00 Ft.; property line, 118.00 Ft.; thence on a chord bearing South 14" 53' thence on a chord bearing South 140 14' 32" West, 144.72 Ft.; thence South 06" 39' 03" West, 690.00 Ft.; thence South 04' 44' 43'' 0 West, 65.00 Ft. to the place of beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence South 85' 59' East, 138.35 Ft.; thence South 12' 30' West, 40.44 Ft. to reference point "A".. North 85" 59' 00" West, 205.00 Ft.; thence North 4" 01' 00" East, , thence 30.00 Ft.; thence North 85" 59' West, 60.00 Ft.; thence North 4' 01' 00" East, 40.00 Ft.; thence South 85' 59' East, 81.69 Ft. to reference point "B"; thence North 6" 39' 03" East, 121.83 Ft.; then.ce South 83' 20' 57" East, 20.00 Ft.; thence South 6" 39' 03" West, 85.00 Ft.; thence South 4" 44' 43" West, 65 Ft. more or less; thence South 85" 59' 00" East, 30.00 Ft. to the place of beginning containing 0.33 Acres together with two temporary construction easements being described as follows: A 15.00 Ft. wide strip of land lying Southerly, Westerly and Southerly of the following described line: Beginning at said thence North 4" 01' 00" East, 30.00 Ft.; thence North 85" 59' 00" reference point "A"; thence North 85" 59' 00" West. 205.00 Ft.; West, 60.00 Ft. to the point of termination, also a 15.00 Ft. wide strip of land lying, Westerly parallel and adjacent to the following 6' 39' 03" East, 121.83 Ft. to the point of termination. described line; commencing at reference point "B"; thence North OWNERS: Viola Kurtze 0 Judith M. Strampe David C. Ludwig Richard C. Guenther EXHIBIT L-3 FOR: City of Muskego Permanent Storm Drainag 'e Easement for Wat August 24, 1983 .er Course Improvement S Reference No. 4 All that part of the Southwest k of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being a 15.00 foot wide strip of land lying Easterly, parallel and adjacent to the following described reference line. Commencing at the Northeast corner of lands described on Doc. No. 351555, Vol. 547, Page 113; thence Easterly along an existing property line, 118.00 feet; thence on a chord bearing West, 155.00 feet; thence on a chord bearing South 14O 14' 32" South 14' 53' 43" West, 86.00 feet; thence South 21° 50' 01" West, 144.72 feet; thence South 6O 39' 03" West, 690.00 feet; thence South 4O 44' 43" West, 65.00 feet; thence South 85O 59' East, 30.00 feet to the place of beginning of said reference line; thence North 4' 44' 43" East, 64.55 feet; thence North 6O 39' 03" East, 35.45 feet to the point of termination, said construction easement being a 15.00 foot wide strip of land strip of land containing 0.034 acres. Together with a temporary lying Easterly, parallel and adjacent to the above described strip of land. Owner: Viola Verburgt . Richard C. Guenther RCG:kj 8-23-83 FOR: CITY OF MUSKEG0 0 Temporary Construction Easement For Installation Of Sewage Pumping Station And Facilities REFERENCE NO. 5 All that part of the Southwest 4 of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of lands described on Doc. No. 351 555, Vol. 547 Page 113; thence Easterly along an existing property line 118.00 Ft.; thence on a chord bearing South 14' 53' 43" West, 86.00. Ft.; thence South 21" 50' 01" West, 155.00 Ft.; thence on a chord bearing South 14" 14' 32" West, 144.72 Ft.; West, 65.00 Ft.; thence North 85' 59' West, 30.00 Ft.; thence North 04' 44' 43" East, 30.00 Ft. to the place of beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence continuing North 4" 44' 43" East, 35.00 Ft.; thence North 6" 39' 03" East, 85.00 6' 39' 03" West, 121.64 Ft.; thence South 85" 59' 00" East, 36.20 Ft. Feet; thence North 83" 20' 57" West, 35.00 Ft.; thence South thence South 6" 39' 03" West, 690.00 Ft.; thence South 04" 44' 43" of beginning. to the place OWNERS: Vi0 Jud Dav la Kurtze ith M. Strampe id C. Ludwig Richard C. Guenther FOR: City of Muskego Temporary Easement for Road Construction Reference No. 6 All that part of the Northwest & of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being a triangular shaped parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the West % corner of Section 15; thence along a traverse line the following described courses: North loo 33' 23" East, 432.12 feet; North 42O 48' 03" East, 979.72 feet and North 41O 55' 53" East, 187.98 feet; thence North 88O 32' 23" East, 1075.92 feet along the centerline of Kurtze Lane; thence South 43' 31' 23" West, 42.41 feet to the place of beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence South lo 29' 37" East, along the West line of Kurtze Lane, 30.00 feet; thence North 46O 28' 37" West, 42.44 feet; thence North 88' 32' 23" East, along the South line of Kurtze Lane, 30.00 feet to the place of beginning. Owners: Viola Kurtze Judith M. Strampe David C. Ludwig R. C. Guenther