CCR1983263. RESOLUTION #263-83 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND CONLEY, MCDONALD, SPRAGUE AND COMPANY FOR AUDIT SERVICE (GENERAL FUND) (Year Ending December 31, 1983) WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Muskego to enter into procedures to be used in the auditing of the City's General an agreement with Conley, McDonald, Sprague & Company to cover Fund, and WHEREAS, the firm of Conley, McDonald, Sprague & Company has be in the best interest of the city to continue to use their audited the city's books for over twenty years and it would services, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the Common Council authorize execution of the necessary agreement. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an of Conley, McDonald, Sprague & Company to audit the City's agreement between the City of Muskego and the Auditing Firm General Fund for the year ending December 31, 1983. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said agreement is subject to the approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich ?LL LL Ald. Charles Colburn City Clerk 10183 jh . DANIEL A. SCHULZ. C.P.A. N~CHOLAS 0. OUARTARO. C PA. -FoERICI( L. LICAU. C PA CONLEY. McOONALD. SPRAGUE 6 CO. CERTlFlEO PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN 53222-4478 2825 NORTH MAVFAIR ROAD AREACOOE 414 771-1820 VICTOR N. WEILER. C.P.A JAMES E. PRELLWITZ. C.PA. . . ~~ ~ ~ ~ WlLLlAM E. VOLKMANN. C PA OAVlO L. OONIHUE. C.P.A. ROBERT L~ GUNORUM. C.PA. September 6, 1983 e l I l e n Mr. Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor City of Huskego W180 S7732 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 Dear Mr. Salentine: We are pleased to serve as independent accountants for the City of Muskego. This will confirm our understanding of the arrangements for our examination of the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 1983. Our basic engagement is to examine and report on the financial statements of the following funds and account groups: Governmental Funds: General Fund Debt Service Fund Special Revenue Fund Capital Project Fund Special Assessment Fund Proprietary Fund - Sewer Utility Fiduciary Fund - Trust and Agency Account Groups: General Long-Term Debt General Fixed Assets The purpose of our examination is to express an unqualified opinion on the fairness of presentation of the City's financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1983, and their conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis conslstent with that of the preceding year. If cur opinion will be other than unqualified, the reasons will be discussed with you. The examination will be in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and rill Include such auditing procedures as we conslder necessary in the circumstances. These procedures will Include a review of the system of the accounts dnd other tests of assets, Ilabllities, fund balances, revenues internal control, a test of documentary evidence of transactions recorded in and expenditures through analysis, physlcal observations, and/or direct Page T*o 2' . confirmation by correspondence with entities outside the Village. Accorc- ingly, the examination will not include an audit of transactions to ttle extent although their discovery may result. required if intended to disclose defalcations or slmilar irregularlties, %e direct your attention to the fact that management has the responslbllity guarding of assets, and for substantial accuracy of the financial statements. for proper recording of transactions in the books of account, for the safe- Such statements are representations of management. Preliminary field work is scheduled for October, 1983. Final field work is tentatively scheduled to begin in March, 1984. The audit report will be submitted prior to May 31, 1984. Assistance to be supplied by your personnel including the preparation of schedules and analysis of accounts will be will facilitate achieving the best audit performance wlth the minimum time. discussed and coordinated with the City Clerk. Timely completion of this work Ye will assist in the preparation of the Financial Report Form for Wisconsin Cities and Villages to be filed with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. This report is considered a special report and therefore, is not to be considered as audited by us. The report will be completed prior to the due date of May 1, 1984. This report requires many allocations of expenses beyond which tions be reviewed annually by the City. Determination of these allocations by is recorded on the City's records. It will be necessary that these alloca- the City will facilitate the report preparation in minimum time. The City is required by Wisconsin statutes to prepare and make available to the public updated annual reports describing the status of each existing taa standing that we will compile from information you provide, the City's Tax incremental district, including revenues and expenditures. It is our under- Incremental District Funds balance sheets at December 31, 1983, and the funds for the period 3anuary 1, 1979 through December 31, 1983. These related statements of revenues) expenditures and other sources and uses of financial statements will omit all disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles. These statements will also include compiled schedules of each Tax Increment District Borrowed Money fund expenditures and transfers compared to the City's Tax Increment District Project Plan and a schedule of long-term debt related to the City's Tax Increment Districts. Our work will be in accordance with the standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Our work will not constitute an audit, the objective of which is the expression of a professional opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole, nor will it constitute a review, the material modifications need to be made to the financial statements for them to principal objective of which is the expression of limited assurance that no be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Accordingly, we will not express an opinion, nor any form of limited assurance on the financial statements referred to above. This report will be completed prior to 3une 30, 1984. Our fees are based on the time required by the individuals assigned to the engagement plus direct expenses. Individual hourly rates vary according to the degree of responsibility involved and the skill required. I will be the partner in charge of all work we will perform for you. It will will call upon other partners in the firm for a second polnt of view or a be my responsibility to insure that the management receives good service. I specialized knowledge as necessary. City of Muskego .Pacje Three The audit this year will be supervised by Donald Vllione, CPA, Senior Audit Manager, assisted by other members of the staff as necessary. We look forward to our association with you and your staff and appreciate the qu,estions about any aspect of hr engagement. If this letter correctly opportunity to serve the City of Muskego. Please call, if you have any expresses your understanding of the engagement, please sign the enclosed copy here indicated and return it to us. Very truly yours, CONLEY, McDONALD, SPRAGUE & CO. Nicholas D. Quartaro/CPA Partner 73lq?rr.,.:,. ..