CCR1983255i. RESOLUTION #255-83 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE CITY-OWNED LOT (Parcel #2 - Fairfield Dr. - Solverson) WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received an Offer to Purchase Parcel No. 2, Fairfield Drive, from Scott and Susan Solverson in the amount of $20,000.00, and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has recommended that a counter- offer be made to clearly provide that the purchaser is responsible for providing all utilities to the property, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended acceptance of the offer of $20,000, subject to the acceptance of the counter- of fer by the buyers. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the concept of the Offer to Purchase Parcel No. 2, Fairfield Drive in the amount of $20,000.00 from Scott and Susan Solverson, and hereby authorizes the execution of a Counter-Offer to clearly provide that the purchaser is responsible for providing all utilities to the property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute the necessary legal documents in the name of the City. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin Dumke &LfAu CJL Ald. Charles Colburn Ald. Mitchel Penovich -. ATTEST : City Clerk Adopted this 27th day of September , 1983. WE-44 Counter-Offer Approved by the Wtrconrin Depanmenl of Regulalion aqd Licensing Wisconsin Legal Blank Co.. lnc. Milwaukee. Wis. COUNTER-OFFER I The Offcr to Purchase dated 9.-.1?.-8?. and signed by ,S.Cot.t. .So!.V.eF.son and Susan. . 2 .SaLver.son, .hts w~.f.e. 3 purchase of real estate at .see. at.tached. .o.ffe.r ~. . .I @.ountcred as follo.ws: .1.. .Lines .5.4. .thr.ough. .56 .shall. .be .del.et.eb.. ~ .:2.: .The. .S.ell.er . (b to. ,any .u.tilities. to. ~ the .pro.per.ty .in .quesEian ~ in.cLu.ding. .b~t. not. .I.lm%.ted...t?. 5 rnakes..no..waxrant.ies. ar. r.epr.esenta.tions. as ...t o. .the..a.vai.la.b.%l.&tY. 3n.d..a.Gc.e.~$. . H their. sole responsibility. to. p.rav.ide. fox~.anY.~ut.i~i.ti~.s .Che.Y .FY &?e.!!... 7 na.tuta1 gas., .electric and. telephone.and. Lb.e .buy.ers. achn9wl.edoe. that.K .lS . ? necessary .tn .the praperty. in..ques.tion.. . l... ALl.,~t.h~~. Q.K.QV.L.SF9F!A 0.f. . Io pr.euir,us.ly executed aff er. to. ,p.urcbas.e. shal.1 xemain. unch?.%ed,. ... . . ~~ .. .. ~... .... II I2 13 I4 I5 .. !5 Seller agrees to sell and convey the above property cn the terms and conditions as set fonh in said otTer and this Counter-Offer and x this transaction. 7 acknowledges receipt ofacopy ofthis agreement. The warranties and representations made in saidoffer and this Counter-offer survive the closingof 9 0 This Counter-Offer must be accepted on or before .1!?-.6-8.? and it shall not become binding upon Seller until a.copy of the IO accepted Counter-Offer is deposited. postage prepaid, in the United States mails, addressed to Seller or Seller's agent at, .cLfY .of 2 to Seller or Seller's agent. CITY OF HUSKEGO '1 .bfuskego., .P.~ .o... .BOX 25., Ahsskeg.o., .WL 53150 or by pemnal delivery thereof 1 Dated: 1 5 0 7 The above Counter-Offer is hereby accepted, (or) H 9 U I B.y:. ...~. . IJayne G. SaleRW'e, >layor B.y:. Charlotte Stda'Yk, Clerk ,we Comer-Offer is hereby accepted, ................. ... ...... ......... ............................. atheoriced ~"LIGH.~~ .... .... H.u.NdlM .&... ..... ... ........................................................................... ... ... ,. . :,.I. '! :'. . 10 ............... ........ .... ..? .... .. ,,~ .............. 11 12 13 .. 8.i. ',:.i,l:.l:, ;,:.;,:.I ................................................... ................................ .................... .. ..................................... .... ...... .... .............. .. ! .,.,,1,'. , .. ........ ......... .. .. ... .... ..... , $<., ,/.,;I L4 ................. ,.,,,!.. ~ .... ..,: :.. ............ ........................................ 15 16 .. .................................................................... .... .I ..... ., .. .... ................ .......... ............. 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"7.4,. ,I ., I ,, I .,'l'1,..1 ..................... .L:.;... ......... .!. ...................... ..:. . ..;'.. .......................... /,I , .' 8;. IC, .. , , ,.,,'','.',,::.,:,,, "in: I // ,,,, .?. , .. -. ._ . ..... ,e ' ............................................................. .............. ....... ~~ ...... 'I . . I,, , /,. 55 0.T no~lna.. UhrL~~iapqd. ..~~~. ~~i~..~~~...~~.~~.~~~~....~.~~...~~ .... ;. ... 58 ~.cz~h~.,.~~,1.!~4.~~~,~.~l&.~?+',: ../ , .......... i.,::,.. ...... ?.. ........ ...........!.!.............. 'I .ii..'..I .I, 'I , 00 Seller shall. upon'pyment of lhe purchase price, convey &e pApenyby warranty deed, or Mher conveyance rovlded heretn, free and clear of all t 1 liens and encumbrances, excepting: municipal and zoning ordinances, recorded easemenu for public utilities P ocated adjacent 10 side and rear lot >@nes, recorded building and use reslrictions and covenants. general taxes levied in the year of closing and ..... 03 64 Legal possession of property shall be delivered lo Buyer'on date of closing. b5 It is understood the property is now occupied by . qkA&t.f J.AN.d. . , 66 under (oral.lease) (written lease). which terms arc: .- 67 "i) If Sqilcr is'pcrmiusd lo occupy prapeiy &;sloslng; Gcller shall pmpay occup~~y charge of $ . .1 '.;. .i>. :..~1?<.9. W.k 70 payable as follows:. . : . , , 71 In addition, tho rum of.$ : ~ ..... .?: .. : ...... .:. shall be wl(hhel$lmm pctrcharspifi 16 be 'escrowed with ! .. ... 72 ,, .,.&.7.! .. ...,. &.:I.V:.i.,.< ..... .. 'E .......................... ...... ... ...... ,(.I. 73 to guarantee dcliviry of cccu MCY &Buyer AND FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE. which sum upon Seller's failure to deliver oc pmy ohdl bc 74 paid IO Buyer as liquidated rf&~qya 01 rpl-od lo Soller.if acuprncy is delivered lo Buygr op fpe.Byspd dam. . : - , ,.y r.t ..3 I 76 .~#p.~M~6d.&. . ,~l%#.$ ; ~orwi~,fp.bo rotuwd k3 tko pdom-@r~dJhyer no lpr pan ,.3:. a&!. &e& . , . 77 I9 83 and thin .. oITv sbd kwy null and iojd: . 1; .\ , . .~ , .. .. ............ ,:p,;.,.:.. ,:: .......................... I ............ ... I. .. .. I, I .<I . I ., .. . . ,,, .. .. ............. ~ ... Occupa~~q pf.g.r?$$c ,~~@&&;&sbp~l be given to Buyer on bAj' .WP k/QSi;&,G. .... b .. , .... .... ... ., ,I . .. 75 . AU aamqrt money. paid ah&m appUed IOW~ payment OF the purchaae prlce if this offer is accepted on or beforo .. sG .. :: ... .. , ,. Special nsseasmenls; if Any, for work on rile aclually commenced or levied nor to date qfh o&r shall,be paidby,Se&$, All @qr spccIal Seller shall furnish and deliver to Buyer for examination at least IS days pnor to he date set for closing, Seller's choice of either: d to within 30 days of the closing, said abstract to show Seller's t '0 be for mortgages. judgments or other liens which will be satisfied athe objection lo the title within 10 days after the receipt of said abstract and within which to rectify the title (or furnish a tilie policy as hereinafter extended, or writtenbyaresponrihletitleinsurancecompanylicenredhytheStateof Isconstn,wh~chpolicyshallguaranteeScllcr'stitletobeincondition ednce naming Buyer as the insured. as Buyer's interest may appear. called for by this agreement. cacepl for mongages, judgmenls. or other liens which will be satisfied out of the proceeds of the sale. A commiunent by such a title company, agnxinglo issue such a title policy upon the recording ofthe proper documents as agreed herein, shall be deemed sullicient performance. lurnirh written proof. at or bcfore closing, that the Mal underlying indebtedness. if any, is not in excess of the proposed balance of the land contract. If this offer provides for a land contract. the sme evidence of title shall be furnished prior to the execution of the land contracl. and Seller shall and thal rhe aymenlr on this land conuact arc sulTlcient IO meet all of the obligaiins of Seller on the underlying indebtedness. ShoulfBuyer fail to carry out this agreement. all money paid hereunder, including any additional earnest money. shall. at the option of Scllcr. he paid to or retained by Seller as liquidated damages. If such money is held by Broker, Broker shall disburse such money as Iollows: I. 'To Buyer, ifseller harnot notified Buyer and Broker in writingofSeller's election toconsider all money paid hereunder as liquidaleddamages 2. To Seller as liquidated damages. subject todeductions of Broker'scommission and disbunements.iiany, if neitherpany hascommcncedalaw or pan payment for specific pcrformancc within 60 days of closing date set fonh in this agreement. or: suit on this matter within I20 days of the'closing dale set forth in this agreement. Should Seller be unable to carry out this agreement by reason of a valid legal defect in ulle which Buyer is unwilling lo waive, all money awsrmenls. including any contemplsted'special nasessmenls, shall be paid by iuyer. ' '. 1. 2. paid hereunder shall he relumed lo Buyer forlhwitb. and Ibis contract shall bs void. SPECIAL PROVlSl~S: r. ,2!7.',. ?.a. :,';..'< \%.iL.?' :....a. ....... ../.I, ..__,. . ,,. .... ':;:. .. '...::~~!..:~:',-..~,~ - .-. ... ..... ..r..Is . . ...i+..-. &..I... ;.a ;-:,-:::.:, ,... (, ....._. I... ! 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