CCR1983248ATTEST, RESOLUTION #248-83 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE 0% THE AFFIDAVIT OF ASSESSOR BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Sewer Committee, does hereby accept the Affidavit of Assessor relating to the list of all real property liable for an assessment for the year 1983 in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District which is attached and made a part hereof. DATED THIS 1 dl DAY OF t 1983. PUBLIC SEWER COPMMITTEE .WL Ald. Richard Nilsson I City Clerk ca 9/83 September 13, 1983 Michael J. McCab$ 1 Director of Legal Services Milwaukee, Metropolitan Sewerage Dist. 735 N. Water Street": !.!ilwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 Dear Mr. .\lcCabe. Attached please find the City of hfuskego's Affidavit of Assessor and its supporting documentation. The equalization ratio used to compute the equalized values as well as the T.1 D. values of our h!MSD District are preliminary ratios furnished by the Department Of Revenue. We anticipate them to be certified some time in November. At that time we will recompute our figures and notify you immediately of any variances, if any. Ke are providing you with these preliminary figures at this manner as possible. time in order that we can keep you informed in as timely a Charlotte L. Stewart City Clerk City of hluskego CLS/jh Encloscre cc: Mayor Salentine Aldermen Seegar Swanson Ruekert & Mielke Don Villione Atty . Molter /' I -1 1' I , I' q I , I / 1, PREPARED FOR CITY OF MUSKEGO 1983 MUSKEGO - MMS DISTRICT e PREPARED BY PAUL M. DeANGELIS, C.R.A. ASSESSOR, CITY OF MUSKEGO I WIBZ 58200 RACINE AVENUE . MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN 53150 r I Mayor Wayne Salentine & September 12, 1983 City of Muskego Common Council Gentlemen: The total 1983, net, equalized, ,fL?l value of all taxable , ., :- -. I , 11111.\1+<11, '~ ,, 'iir,." , I property for purposes within the MMSD a?ea / I of the City that portion of the City of New I Berlin, served,through the City of Muskego is i '\ ; '.. ~- > Y PMD:bjs I i i, I / I_ " .. I, Paul M. DeAngelis, Assessor for the City of Muskcgo, Waukesha County, WisconHin, do solemnly swear that the atltlchcd list of kcby numbers and rhe following figures, taken from u tentative assessment roll held in the office of thc Asscssor, contains 1.0 my best information and belief a complete list of all real property liable for an ussessment for the present year (1983) in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District; this information compiled the City of Muskego as recorded in their minutes of June 16. 1983. a in accordance with the request of the Public Sewer Committee of ASSFSSED VALUES OF MMSD PARCELS EXCLUDING MANUFACTURING PROPERTIES Within the City of Muskego Boundaries: Assessed Values Parcels keyed individually 4045 $118,050,370 Severed Parcels Sub Total 6 134,800 4051 $118,185,170 **Linnie Lac Sanitary Sewer District Parcels provided by City of New Berlin - 107 678,700 Total 4158 $118,863,870 a EQUALIZED VALUES OF MMSD PARCELS INCLUDING MANUFACTURING PROPERTIES Equalized or Full Value as determined by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s 1983 equalized ratios: 1983 Estimntcd Full Valuc. State Dept. of Revenue (Mfg. Divn)(100%) $ 7,769,100 New Berlin (Equalized Ratio - 24.63%) 2,755,583 - TOTAL $307,546,975 Muskcgo (Kqulllized Ratio - 39.791) 297,022,292 T.I.D, VALUES INCLUDING MANUFACTURING PROPERTIES The total figure which represents Tax Incremental Districts 112, 3, 4, 5, 6 6 7 equalized value increase between the Tax Incremental base value and the current, equalized value of all taxable property within the MMS District is ............................... .$ 8,695,927 Total Net Equalized Full Value as determined for$ 298,851,048 apportionment purposes is I, City of ’Muskego Subscribed and sworm to before me this ./2 day of/September, 1983. .? - 1983 CITY OF WSKECO DEPARmNT OF REVENUE WNUFACTURING DIVISION LISTING OF PROPERTIES BY TAX KEY NUMBER INCLUDED IN SEWER SERVICE BOUNDARY FOR FIRST YEAR OF CONTRACT WITH MHSD. a 2165.980 2165.998.012 2168.994 2173.995 2177.932.001 2221.013 2221.017 2221.018 2221.019 2221.020.001 2221.020.002 2222.984.003 2222.984.005 2222.984.006 2225.999.005 2225.999.004 2225.999.006 2225.999.007 2225.999.009 2225.999.010 """"""""""""""" 1983 CITY OF NEW BERLIX a e TOTAl **Figures provided by City Assesssr Jersxe C. Hudy and City Engineer J. D. Sssak for that part sf New Berlin (Si: 1/4 Sec. 32 and SW 1/4 Sec. 33, T6Y R20E) known as Linne Lac Sanitary Sewer District. Tentative assessment rsll available in City of Yuskego Assessor's office. """~""""""_""""" 1983 STATE OF WISCONSIY DEPARTMENT OF REVEXE TAX INCWKENTAL DISTRICT Equalized Value Increase $2,058,550 2,522,700 59,277 218,500 255,400 3,591,500 r'alue Increase . S8,6?5,927 State of Wisconsin \ DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE I SEPTEMBER Is 1983 77-67-251 STATE OFFICE BUILDING IZSSOUTH WE~~~ERSTRE~ MADISON. WISCONSIN 53701 1 *CHARLOnE L STEWART CLERK Wl8Z 58200 PACIHE AVE I P 0 BOX 25 MUSKE60 WI 53150 RE: TAX INCREMENTAL DISTRICT hUMRER 4 CITY OF WSKEGC As provided in s. 66.461511g1 of the Wisconsin Statutes, " the department of revenue shall annually give notice to the desigcared finance officer of all governmental entitis havlng the power to levy taxes on propem/ within each district as to the equalized value of such properry and the equalized value of the tax increment base." Pursuant ro Lhis authorifl, I certify the following values This figure represents the current equalized value of all District as of the indicated date. taxable property in the above mentioned Tax Incremental JAWA2.Y lr 1979 This figure represents the tax incremental base value ai of the indicated date. I This figure represents the Tax Incremental Dinrict equal- ized value increase between the tax incremental base value and the current equalized value of all taxable propem in the Tax Incremental District. ?lease be advised tt\a *e taxes generated by the above value increaSe will be paid to the above rnuntcipallty for deposit into rheir tat incremental fund as provided for in s. 66.46(61(bl. qrorn Key Numbers 2198.979 S59,277 - This figure 2199.999 2200.998 2198.980 2198 985 Wisconsin Depanment of Revenue in xhole or in part as deteE:ined b:: the City of Muskego Assessor. . ,. , CITY OF HUSKEGO 2174 2175 2193 2206 2163' 2194 2207 2176 2164 2177 2195 2208 2165 2196 2180 2221 2166 2197 2222 2167 2189 2190 2198 2223 2168 2191 2201 2225 2204 I 2171 2192 ~~~ 2205 Additional properties: 2169.987.001 2169.994 2169.987.002 2169.995 2169.995.001 2169.996 .2 2169.997 i69.998 2172.998 2172.997 2172.998.001 2199.996 2199.997 2200.998.001 2202.994 2173.985 2173.986 2173.988 2173.989 2173.987 2173.990 2202.995 2202.996 2202.997 2203.990 2203.990.001 2173.991 2173.993 2173.994 2173.995 2173.994.001 2173.995.001 2173.996 2173.997 2179.994 2179.994.001 2179.994.003 2179.994.002 2179.994.004 2179.99G.005 2179.996 2203.998 2203.999 2199.001 thru 2199.023 Ludwig's Subdivision 2203.001 thru 2203.075 Bay Lam Subdivision f1.2 h 3 2202.001 thru 2202.013 Kurthwood Subdivision Severed properties: @2169.987 i MMSD - PHASE I - OF WS- Separate Tax Key.Listings and Assessments Wayne R. Borshardt 9351 S 51st St Franklin WI 53132 2169.999 Lawrence Vanden Plas 1350 S 96th St Milwaukee WI 53214 2172.999 Alvin & Carolyn Basse S70 W16050 Janesville Muskego W. 53150 e199.999 Hydro-Parts Corp P 0 Box 53 Huskego WI 53150 Pt NE 1/4 Sec 3 21.3 acres E1/2 NE114 Sec 3 27 acres Pt SE 114 Sec 3 29 acres W 112 SW 114 Sec 10 63 acres W 112 SE 1/4 Sec 10 13.8 acres 2200.998 Glm Pellmann 578 W16312 Woods Rd Yuskego m 53150 2201.994.001 Gertrude Schaefer eta1 NW 1/4 Sec 11 U129 S8642 Durham Dr 18.71 acres Hales Comers WI 53130 0 TOTAL $17,050 $11,000 $23,500 $63,000 $ 6,200 514,050 $134,800