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CCR1983239RESOLUTION #239-83 APPROVING THE CITY'S OFFER TO PURCHASE PARCEL OF LAND FOR BASS BAY SEWER PROJECT (Deriklis D. and Helen M. Perifanos) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby approves the City's Offer to Purchase for the property of Deriklis D. and Helen M. Perifanos as stated in the Relocation Order for the purchase price of $ -0-, and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the City, and hereby waives any contingency as to approval in the Offer to Purchase, and approves of the same. e DATED THIS 13th DAY OF September , 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dumke e ATTEST City Clerk 9 183 jh I Ald. Charles Colburn I iq i 4 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE: .rime .. ... .............................................. ~MS NOT INCLUDED m SALE: . ..none. .. ......................... .. ... .... Ii~h~~~llcr1sac~e~~ed.ilshall~~otbccomeb~nd~n~upn0uycrunlilacopyofacccpfedu~erisdcporiled.pnslageprcpaid,in~c~iled~' I ma,l,,addres,cdloBuycrat ci,Cy. ,Of. .k!!!sk.ego. ci.tY t!a.!.!>. wit!?. .s8.?00. Kaclne,.Avl .tlusk.c~o., WJ. .531.50. .w.182. 58200. Racinr Ave ..,. MV.$!(C#!?,. k!!.SC.O.E.?!! .. . pr by personal delivery lhr , on or h. '1.111s Iransaction 1s IU tx closed a1 he onice of Buyer's mo,ngagee or 81 the ollicc of MU.$kegQ .G&.LY .Ha !.!.a / . I9 .-?A , or a1 such other time and place as may be aweed in writing by Buyer I &w.wmmpwdwna~M~~~Wi&M& * ~~~~~~~u~~~~~~pu~m~~~ (Caution:'Reier to wetlands regulations.) Seller wanan& and represents IO Buyer that Seller has no notice or knowledge of any: (a)plunncd or commenced public improvement which may resull In special assessmenls or otherwise materially alTect the pro (blguvenunenl agency or court order requiring repair, alteration or conection of any existing condillon. FXCEPTIONS TO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS STATED IN LINES 8t)TO YI 'One Q Buyer has read, fully understands and acknowled es receipt of a copy of lhis offir u, purchase. BUYER Is ADVlSEDTHATBROh HAS .4N AGENCY HILATIONSHIP WITH SELIER. CITY OF MllSKEGO I i BY.' .. ... By; WAYNE 6. SALENTINF,, Mayor (Buyer) CHARLO'TTE STEIIART, 'Cf erk ,.. (Bu Ii EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT Eamebl muncy In the amount of $ received from In form of The undersigned wlcby agrees to hold same in an authorized real estate I lccoynl ~n Wlsconsm. or transmll the sme in accordance with the lems of the altt>tc deer. IY . Br. BY 2.. -. - by . EXHIBIT "Y" e All that part of the Northeast of Section 15,_Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being a 5.00 The Westerly 5.00 ft. of lands as described on Doc. NO. 902756, ft. wide strip.of land more particularly described as follows: Waukesha County, Register of Deeds. ) Parcel No. 11 Teofila Janonis