CCR1983218RESOLUTION # 218-83
(Bass Bay Area)
WHEREAS, the roads described on Exhibit "A" attached to this
Resolution has been worked as public highways for over 30
years ;
WHEREAS, they have been graded and plowed by the City of
Muskego for over 30 years;
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 80.01(2), said
roads are declared to be and are public highways and this
document shall be recorded with the Office of the Register
of Deeds for Waukesha County.
DATED this 33 day of R ucL.u.5 I , 1983. e
I, WILLARD BERTRAM, being duly sworn OR oath, deposes and
says that:
1. Your affiant has been the street superintendent for
the City of Muskego for over the last thirty (30) years.
2. As to the roads described on the attached document
marked Exhibit “A” and made a part hereof, the City has graded
and plowed said roads for over 30 years.
3. That said roads have been worked as public highways
for over the last 30 years.
Subscribed & sworn to before me
this day of July, 1983.
My commission expires! STATE OF-
*(Revised August 17, 1983) -
a FOR: City of Muskego
Road Right-ffays (Bass Grove Unrecorded Plat)
All that part of the Northeast Ir of Section 15, Town 5 North,
being a 30.00 Ft. wide strip of land, the centerline of which
Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,
is described as follows:
Commencing at the North % corner of said section 15; thence
North 87' 48' 11" East, along the North line of the Northeast 4 of Section 15, 226.00 Ft.; thence South lo 20' 39" East, 55.00
Ft. to the place of beginning; thence continuinu South 1' 20' 39"
East, 550 ft. to the point of termination; also
e all that part of the Northeast % of Section 15 Town 5 North,
range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin
being a 30.00 Ft. wide strip of land the centerline of which
is described as follows:
Commencing at the North % corner of said section 15; thence
North 87' 48' 11" East, along the North line of the Northeast
6 of Section 15,211.00 Ft.; thence South lo 20' 39" East, 40.00
Ft. to the place'of beginning; thence North 87' 48' 11" East
parallel to the North line of the Northeast 4 of Section 15,
408.00 Ft. to the point of termination. Also,
all that part of the Northeast ki of Section 15, Town 5 North,
Range 20 east, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,
being a 30.00 Ft. wide strip of land the centerline of which
is described as follows:
Commencing at the North 4 corner of said Section 15; thence
North 87' 48' 11" East, along the North line of the Northeast Ir of Section 15,.604.00 Ft.; thence South lo 20' 39" East,
55.00 Ft. to the place of beginning; thence continuing South
1' 20' 39" East 365.00 Ft. to reference point "A"; thence
continuing South 1' 20' 39" East, 15.00 Ft. to the point of
termination. Also a 30.00 Ft. wide strip of land the center-
line of which is described as follows:
Commencing at said reference point "A"; thence South 87' 48" 11"
South 87' 48" 11" West, 227.00 Ft. to the point of termination.
West, 15.00 Ft. to the place of beginning; thence continuing
July 11, 1983 (Revised Aug. 17, 1983)
City of Muskego
Page two
all that part of the Northeast 4 of Section 15, Town 5 North,
range 20 East, City of Huskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin
being a 20.00 Ft. wide strip of land the centerline of which
is described as follows:
Commencing at the North k corner of said Section 15; thence
North 87O 48' 11" East, along the North line of the Northeast k of Section 15, 604.00 Ft.; thence South lo 20' 29" East,
415.00 Ft.; thence North 87O 48* 11" East, 15.00 Ft. to the
place of beginning; thence continuing North 87" 48' 11" East,
454.38 Ft. to the point of termination.
(All of the above road right-of-ways presently owned by the
Reuben Baas
Virginia Brodersen
Betty Abramowski
Margaret Cavender
July 11, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
Road Right-f-Ways (Bass Grove Unrecorded Plat)
All that part of the Northeast & of Section 15, To
Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County,
being a 30.00 Ft. wide strip of land, the center
is described as follows:
15; thence
k of Section 15, 226.00 Ft.; thence South 0' 39" East, 55.00
East, 730 Ft. more or less to the waters e of Bass Bay on
Big Muskego Lake. Also,
being a 30.00 Ft. wide strip of lan e centerline of which
is described as follows:
Commencing at the North k corne
orth line of the Northeast
said section 15; thence
ence North 87O 48' 11" East
408.00 Ft. to the point of mination. Also,
all that part of the No
Range 20 east, City of
being a 30.00 Ft. wide ip of land the centerline of which
is described as follow
Commencing at the No
k of Section 15,
55.00 Ft. to the
continuing Sou
termination. so, a 30.00 Ft. wide strip of land the center-
line of whic described as follows:
aid reference point "A"; thence South 87O 48" 11"
South 87'
A1 so, /
July 11, 1983
Page two
'City of Muskego
all that part of the No 15, Town 5 North,
range 20 East, City of ' unty, Wisconsin
being a 20.00 Ft. wide nterline of which
is described as follows:
Commencing at the North tion 15; thence
North 87" 48' 11" East, along the of the Northeast ti of Section 15, 604.00 Ft.; then outh 1' 20' 39" East,
415.00 Ft.; thence North 87O 48' East, 15.00 Ft. to the
place of beginning; the 07" 40' 11" East,
454.38 Ft. to the point
(All of the above road ly owned by the
Reuben Baas
Virginia Brodersen
Betty Abramowski
Margaret Cavender