CCR1983213. . . . . . . .
BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Sewer
Conunittee does hereby approve the Assessment Policy
for Construction of Sanitnry Sewers as attached and
made a part hereof. n
Ald.’Richnrd mL Nilsson
City Clerk
1. The basis for sewer assessment shall be the assessable linear
assessment district, computed as per the following requirements
footage of frontage of each benefitted property within an
2. Sewer assessable and non-assessable costs:
a. The front foot assessment for residential, commercial
and industrial zoned properties shall be based on the
minimum size sewer required to serve the respective
assessment district and at a depth necessary to drain
district. Sewers in public right-of-ways and within (or service) all of the properties within the assessment
easements shall be assessed back to the respective
assessment district as directed by the City depending
on the nature of the easement sewers (the reasons
for obtaining the easements.)
b. Assessable sewer costs shall include the total costs
for the sewer mains, manholes and risers. The costs
of sewage lift stations, force mains, and oversized
sewers shall be assessed back to the benefitted
properties based on the contributing sewage flows or
population within the respective assessment district.
Costs involving inspection, engineering, legal,
restoration costs such as pavement replacement and
pavement patching and the necessary administration
costs to complete o. project tihull ulso be assessed
back to the respective ussessruent district.
c. Non-assessable costs shall include those costs for
sewer tunneling, jacking of sewer in liner pipe and
concrete encasement of 'sewers.
3. The assessable linear footage shall be determined as follows
a. For corner lots
1. If the sewer is installed in both streets - add the
2. If the sewer is installed in one street only - and
two side dimensions and divide by two.
the owner is not given his option for the lateral
location, use the sewered side dimension of the
lot rogurdlflss of wlluthw it is the long or short
3. If the owner is given his option for the lateral
location and as a result of his decision along
with certain design decisions for the project, the
sewer is not installed on one of the sides, the
of this section for .corner .lots.
assessable frontage shall be figured as per Item 1
b. On lots with frontage on three streets - use the longest
and shortest side and compute as a corner lot.
c. On lots with frontage on two streets - use frontage on
one street only if the lot cannot be subdivided into an
additional lot or lots complying with the present
zoning ordinance.
d. For lots on cul-de-sacs, use the chord dimension at the
building set-back line as measured tangent to the curve
curved line.
at its mid-point, if said set-back line is formed by a
e. For lots on curves with an exterior angle over 45' as
measured between the side lot lines of each lot, use
the chord dimension ut the building set-back line for
the inside lots on the curve.
Page 2 a\
f. On large tracts of land which are on corners - assume
a future corner lot that complies with the present
zoning ordinance and apply the corner lot policy. The
balance of the frontage shall be considered at full
linear footage. Deferment of assessments for large e
tracts of land will be reviewed by the City on an
by the respective property owner.
individual basis upon a written request for deferment
g. When a sewer passes a large tract of land that would
be eligible for del'erluent, the homesite will. be
ussotisod for L~J nwhr 01' I'OUC tl~at wouI.d IJU ruqulrcd
on the minimurn width rcquircd by zoning.
h. Lots which do not meet the above criteria will be
handled on an Individual basis; as each special
situation is decided, it will become policy for future
decision of a similar nature.
4. Sewer laterals will be assessed back to each respective
property for Lhe entire expense on a unit or lump SUIII basis
when installed within streets.
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