CCR1983145RESOLUTION #145-83 (As Amended) AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF PARCEL OF LAiVD FOR SEWER INTERCEPTOR (Zalewski) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby approves that the city purchase the property as stated in the attached Offer to Purchase for the purchase price of $1,157.00 and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the city and the city hereby waives the contingency in said Offer to Purchase and approves of the same. Waiver of said contingency in the Offer to Purchase and approval of said Offer to Purchase is contingent upon the parties agreeing that the purchasing is to be for fee, simple title, and temporary construction easement as set forth in the , 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Charles Colburn ATTEST: City Clerk .. .. 1 VACANT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE , Wisconsir s .. Y. .. .... .... ... . .~ a atthepriceof O.+.r..Mv.r.-..r~/., ~A.~./~.,,/A~~~.A>& :.<~.e/~. .a.+d.n~//~i.rr~~?”.-. 6s’ Dollars(S./.!.& <*. . ) and on be terms and conditions as lollows: ” 2 Eamcstmoncyof% O:.o~. tendered hercwith. Additionalearnest money of%, P...oo. .Xixffisx. 1 xcn~~(cmi~~~~~~.~~~~’r~~r~~,i.til~~;~~~. 4 , and the balance in cash at closing or as herealter set fonl 5 h this olTer and shall be transmitted to he listing broker upon such acceptance. lithis o?er is the result ora co-brokerage, lhen all money paid herewith shall be held in the sellingbroker’s Lrust account until the acceplancc n 7 8 9 TIME IS OF~THE ESSENCE ASTO: ADDITIONAL EARNEST MONEY~PAYMENT, LEGAL POSSESSION. OCCUPANCY. ANI 0 DATE OF CLOSING. (Strike those no1 applicable.) 2 FOLLOWING: I THEBUYER‘SOBLlGATlONTOCONCLUDETHlSTRANSACTlONISCONDlTlONEDUPONTHECONSUMMATlONOFTlil 4 other contingency. il must be stated here. U none, so slate.) 3 (If this offer is subjecl to financing. percolation test, specific zoningur use, approval or recorded building and use restrictions and covenants, or an ~~,~~~~~~~~il~~ira~~~arrrM~~~~9;IILZIDClrWKT)(~X ~~~~~~ ~~~~ . ~~~~~~~ 1, 7 0 I 2 3 4. 5 .. 6 1 8. 9 0 1 I .. 3 .. 4. 5 .. .. h 7 6 .. .. ... .. I 2 Buyer agrees that unless otherwise specified, Buyer will pay all costs of securing any financingto the extent permitted by law. and to perform all ncl 3 necessary to expedite such financing. 4 ADDlTlONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE: llQIle. . 5 .. 6 7 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN SALE .n.OIle. ... 8. .. 0 Seller shall, upon payment of& purchase price,’convcy &e propeny by~~cgtde~~~~~~Linu.~~~~~I.Yikid;~’rree andclcar of* 1 liens and encumbrances, excepting: municipal and zoning ordinances, recorded easements lor public utilities located adjacent to side and rear I( 9 .~. ~~~ .-attached easement. ' F. -\ , lfthis oiTcr is xcrpltd. II shall not become btnding qop Qupcr unlil a cupy ofacccptcdofTcr is dcposited. port~gc prcp;liJ. in Lhc Umld sI:llc~ I* mnlls.add~cr~cdtoBu)-crar ci.tY. Sf. MV.$keRP, .M,V.?k.?g9. ci.!Y H?.!l,. w!!?. s8.200 Racine 1 .Nusk.ego., .WX .5315,R .. .or by pcrsonal dulivcr) thcred , on or bcforc . .W,l82. S8200. Racine. Aye..+ Mu$!!egP,. WF.SCOF!S.!* This transaction is IO be closed at the ollicc of Buycr's moflgagee or at the ollice of MUSkeggc! .c?.!)! .H.a1.1.& 8 ~,KM~~,~B~YB~~~~~j(~~~~BX . . 19 , or at such other timc and place as m3y be agreed in writing by Buyer and Seller. I ~~XWtU(~~~K~M~~Pt~K~~~~X~U.plLZ~~~W(X . I .. .~ ~ ~~ ~~ (Caution: Refer 10 wetlands regulations.) Seller wananls 3nd rcprcsents 10 Buyer that Seller has no notice or knowledge of any: (a)plmned or commenced public improvement which may rcsult in special assessments or otherwise malerinlly alTect the property. (bjgovernment agency or court order requiring repair. alleration or correction of any existing condilion. . .. EXCEPTIONS TO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS STATED IN LINES EST0 91 none called fdr by this agreement. except for mongages. judgments. or olher liens which &ill b; satisfed out of the proceeds of the sale. A deemed sullicienl performance. commilmen~ by such a rille company, agreeing to issuc such a title policy upon the recordingoflhe proper documents as agreed herein, shall bc If this offer provides for a land contract. the same evidence oftitle shall be furnished prior to the execution of the land contract. and Seller shall furnish written proof, at or before closing. that the total underlying indebtedness. ifany. is not in exccss ofthe proposed balance of the land conlracl. and that the payments on this land contract are suiTlcien1 IO meet all of the obligations of Seller on the underlying indebtedness. be paid 10 or retained by Seller as li uidaled damages. If such money is held by Broker, Broker shall disburse such money as follows: Should Buyer fail IO carry out this agreement. all money paid hereunder, including any additional earnest money. shall, at the option ofScllrr. 1. To Buyer, ifseller has no1 noli 9 led Buyer and Broker in xrilingof Seller's election to consider all money paid hereunder as liquidateddamagcr 2. ToScllerasliquidaredd~mages.subjecttodeducrionsofBroker'scommisrionanddisbursemenls,ifany.ifnei~hrrp;lnyhascommencedalau or pan payment for specific performance within 60 days of closing date set fonh in his agreement. or; suit on this matter within I20 days of the closing date set fonh in this agreement. Should Scllcr be unable to carry out this agreemenl by reason ofa valld legal defect in title which Buyer is unwilling IO waive. all mom) paid hereunder shall be returned IO Buyer forthwith. and this contract shall be void. SPECIALPROVISI~NS: .Se,lJe.r s.ha1.1 r~emain responsible for all liabilities which are ..... the ..... ..... responslblllty ...... ~~..~~~~. ..~~ of the ~~ owner of .the. fee tltle siich as -property 'taxes, . . . , . . . .. .. .. special .... .... ..............~~ assessments,, etc. .~ ~.. Buyer has read, fully understands and acknowledges receiptofa copy oflhis oker to purchase. BUYER IS ADVISEDTHATBRORER ' HAS AN AGENCY RELATIONSHIP WITH SELLER. CITY OF MUSKEG0 ; BY.; ........... __............. .. By: WAYNE G. SALENTINE, Mayor (hyer) CHARLOTTE' STEWART, 'clerk (Buyer) ~~ ~ . CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. MENTIONED PROPERrYONTHETERMS A OF THIS AGfEEMENT THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREIN SURVIVE TIiI UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO SELLAND CONVEY THE ABOVE ,NDCONDITIONS AS SET . 19 (Sellcj { EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT W Eamcst money in the amount of S in form of received from The undersigned hereby agrees 10 hold same in an authorizcd real es13te or transmit the same in accordance with the terms of the above olTeer. . Brolt . 19 BY RESOLUTION #145-83 AUTHORIZING THE PURC FOR SEWER INTERCE BE IT RESOLVED that the Co of Muskego hereby approves that property as stated in the attac for the purchase price of $1,15 and Clerk are authorized to si the name of the city and the c contingency in said Offer to P FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich I Ald. Edwin Dumke