CCR1983085RESOLUTION # 85-83 ACCEPTING THE REPORT OF THE BOARD ELECTION OF CANVASSERS OF THE APRIL 5, 1983 SPRING BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Eluskego does hereby accept the report of the Board of Canvassers of the April 5, 1983, Spring Election. DATED THIS /sd DAY OF (;i'd , 1983 Ald. Mitc gyd e enovic Ald. Charles k/i Co urn 47-LdG Ald. Robert KFz --tsJ J .&d Ald. Blenda Treba A ATTEST : City Clerk 4/83 jh We, as members of the Muskego Common Council of said City of Muskego, constituting the Board of City Canvassers of said City, do hereby certify that the foregoing and tabular statement is correct and true as compiled from the original returns and from said returns it appears that at the Spring Election in the City of Muskego on April 5, 1983, the votes given in said City for the election of candidates for the following offices were as follows: JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT William A. Bablitch - 1,304 Gordon Myse - 793 ALDERMAN - DISTRICT I1 Mitchel Penovich - 217 ALDERMAN - DISTRICT VI Frank De Angelis - 254 Blenda Treba - 172 STATE REFERENDUM QUESTION I Do you support the construction of a national or regional high level radioactive waste disposal site in Wisconsin? Yes - 235 No - 1,961 Sandra Mageske - 869. Thomas Somodi - 1,191 Dirk Wichgers - 1,207 Barbara Drenzek - 1,008 ALDERMAN - DISTRICT IV Eugene Gaetzke - 198 ALDERMAN - DISTRICT VII Carmen Herzberg - 179 Edwin Dumke - 325 MUSKEGO CITY ADVISORY REFERENDUM Should the City of Muskego further pursue the needed expansion of the Muskego Library and City Hall at a cost not to exceed $250,000.00 with revenue to be generated by Tax Incremental Financing? Yes - 1,084 NO - 1,204 h WITNESS UNDER OUR HANDS THIS /JL 4 DAY OF Gb.4 , 1983. Ald. Richard Nilssov Ald. Mitchel Penovich CLL GJL A1 C Charles Colburn I Ald. Ralph Tomczyk Ald. Blenda Treba A Ald: Edwin Dumke ATTEST ! City Clerk 4/83 jh SPRING ELECTION- APRIL 5,1983 CITY OF MUSKEG0 ards 11 and 12 R REFERENDUM QUESTIONS WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN STATE REFERENDUM QUESTION NO. 1 “Do you support the construction of a national or regional high- level radioactive waste disposal site in Wisconsin?” MUSKEGO Cln ADVISORY REFERENDUM @STION NO. 1 “Should the My of Mudrego further pursue the needed ex- pansion of the Muskego Library and City Hall at a cast not to exceed 5250,000.00 with mnue to be @nerated by Tax Incremental Financing?” Votes Cast on Machine No. Voles Cast on Machine No. Voles Cast on Machine No. Voles Cast on Absentee Voter’s Ballots I IIJI I n 1 2 3 4 5 JUSTICE OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS VOTE FOR ONE VOTEFORmO *-wsK-a -- - mc _-- -- I - ‘T I I I -1 I . , 3 7 8 ~. :A.WRjM!b:- . VOTE’FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE - 7 . VOTE FOR ONE I 2-76 1 16s- ------- WRITE IN VOTES RETURN SHEET Ward Total Votes Cast 3 &a 26 ’7a We hereby certify that thls Statement of Canvass Is a true and correct statement of all votes cast at thls election and that we have made the canvass In exact accordance with the printed instructions furnished. Signed Election Officials