CCR1983082.” RESOLUTION #62-63 AUTHORIZING A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR COPY MACHINE IN CITY HALL WHEREAS, Executive Business Systems who Bas been servicing the copy machine in the Clerk’s office has recently gone out of business, and WHEREAS, COS Copiers has taken over the accounts of the former company and has requested that the City enter into a maintenance agreement with them for the remainder of 1983, and WHESEAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the City Clerk-Comptroller be authorized to execute the maintenance agreement between COS Copiers and the city with costs to be paid as per the attached schedule and agreement, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the Committee does hereby authorize the Clerk-Comptroller to City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance maintenance of the copy machine in the Clerk’s office for execute an agreement between the City and COS Copiers for the remainder of 1963, along with needed supplies, as per the attached agreement and schedule. BE I:T FURTHER RESOLVED that said agreement is subject to the approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS /*( DAY OF i Ah , , 1983. ATTEST: City Clerk FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich 8&KDA Ald. Edwin P. Dumke 53 14 West Bluemound Road bhlwaukee. VI1 53.208 - Phone 235-1503 THE GREAT COPY CAT Customer Xme City of Xuskego Charlott Sterart Address PO Box 25 City/Stats - Muske30, UZ 53L50 Equtpmsnc Type 6 Xodel - Toshiba BD75Ol TSLs Jgreexeut provldes a tocaL 3alncenance proyran for the equL?.r?nt Lt3er.rLCLed by the seclal nu.-.jer(s) LLsted abdve for service oc parts accept.l!lce of the cerms and condLtLon5 belza, COS 6 Supply. Ioc. dl1 rep!.1cernent necessary to obcalx nomat machfz? operatton. Upon prov1Je the following malntenance: 1. Unlimlced emer~ency service calls. COS 6 Supply will provide ezerzency ssrviclng by a factory-trafn2d servlce technLcLan as reasonably reqtteste4 by the custoxer at no addltlon~l .charge for parts or labor durfns noma1 vorkLng hours (8~30 a.m. to 5:OO p.m.). 2. Prsventlve Xalntenance. Preventive malntenance vi11 be perfomed by COS at intemals of: as Lodlcaced on the counter dlal oE the c-tomer's copier. Such ToshLba B045LL. BD3503, 3D7501 6 at37511 - 40,000 coptes preventive maintenance shall Include perromance speclElcatlons. and installation o€ pre-Jentfve mafntenance kit: to be purchased by the customer €con COS. General housekeepiz3 of the exterfor of the copter Lo not Included lo this agreement. 3. There vi11 be an addlclonal charge for senice if the malfunccfcm le a result of customer neglfgence or the use of bproper supplies. 6. Servlcs by COS fs to be perfamed durlng normal vorkfng hours. 8:lO 8.9. through 5:OO P.I., Xondap through Frtday. exclusive of at noma1 hourly overtlae rates. legal holldays: all ServLce requested ac ocher tlaes to be bllled I .. i? P, n Q c P m Y 'I P, I-. C m t- P 0 m Y t- .. ID 7 pr : ID i? n PI i? g e, n I- F m Y t- Y m m I- a m m ai I- pr a m g I- I- m Y *I- * wo ww 00 00 00 cw 00 00 00 00 on -0-0 r.P mm mrn "" *in I-+ ow 00 00 wc 00 00 00 00 "" no PP 00 rr. mm rnln n I- m .. w mmc 000 000 000 000 """ nnn 000 PPa PPP mmm lnrnln .. .. .. qoooo ooooooooon~ 0 0 0 0 0 oloo m 4