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CCR1983072RESOLUTION R72-83 e AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISING OF U!QS FOR NEEDED ROD MATERIALS FOR THE 1983 ROAD ILIPROVEIIEN'I' PROGRAY WIIEREAS, it is necessary for the City of hluskcgo to bcKin its prepuration for the street improvement progrv for Lhc yehr 1983, und W){EI{EAS, tho Public Works Comnitteu wishcs to itdvcrlise lor bids to provide for tho necessary bilurninous concrclc and asphult and the vurious liquid asphults as wull us Pcrlnission to advertise for bids to ropuve certuin streets within the city , TIIEREFORE, UE IT RESOLVED thut the Common Council o! the City of Uuskrgo, upon the recommendation of the Public \forks Comnittet!, does hereby uuthorizc thc advertising of bids for asphalt and bituminous concrete for the 1983 road improvement program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thc Pub1 ic Worlts Colruni Ltcc wi I I report to the Conunon Council the results ol the biddillg along with their recommendution. DATED TllIS 92 DAY 01.' PUBLIC WORKS CO~lhlL'Y~EI.: A?d. Mitchel Penovich hld. Edwin P.. Dumkc. ATTEST : City Clerk e