CCR1983069! DATED THIS DAY OF I 1983 ' ATTEST: Jm 3/83 .YKE2Ed5, the Ilunane kciety is an org3niza:ion devoted, =ong other things, to the care of anhals and ha6 the facllitles to provLde for proper care in a humane ray for etrayed, abandoned or unattended anlmals, accordance with the kald<e;ha County 5e:ar:nznt or IleaLth. 4. In the event that the animal is redeexed by tho omer, said o'uner shall present to the Eunane Society prd,-.er recetpt from the Hunlcipality far the payment or : a 33.50 handling charEe' plus boardinz chargos in connection :.ri th said radeaptlon prior to the release of caLd anfadl by the Iiumane kctsty. a -2- the iiunicipality quostions the Correctness of the s~a.tea-nt, 3r.d in the event the 2arties agree to ex;editiously .cossible, resol*te the controversy ,rrith a 'tier to-ard proxlt payment and .aithout undue delay. G. The I[u~ane Aciety agrees to comply .zith all the rules, redulations and Statutes of the State of .?isconsin, and the muaici;al codes or the Hunicipality as thoso ztatutes, rules, regulations and provisions or the code pertain to the kee;ling of anlmals. 7. In the o-tent the Hunane Zaceity becomes insolvent, ZlLes a petftion of bankruptcy, makes an assi,ment for the benefit of creditors, or a"petition or involuntry bankruptcy is filed Gainst said corporation, then and Ln that event thfe contract shall becoks null and void at the option of the HuRiCipdity- <. e - .--- - - .. - . . - . . - . . . - . . ." " .. I" - . . - . - - . - . - - -. - . . - . - ~ - " . . . ". . ._ ". - " . ".- . . ." " _, ." . . . . " ."_ - -. -, .. .~ .. ~ - ~. " ... . "_ "" . "" ~ .. .. - " .~. . "" ~ - - - . . . " - - . . . ~ .~ - .. - - . .~. - " - " CITY OF MUSKEG0 5 '( President 0 -4-