CCR1983068RESOLUTION GG6-83 DENIAL OF LEGAL LOT STATL'S AlUSKEGO BEACH PARK ADDITION (hleinecke) WHEREAS, a petition has been submitted by Richard 0 hleinecke, S74 \V17G34 Lake Drive, requesting legal lot status OP Lots 2 and 3, Block "C", h?usltcgo Be:lclt Payk Addition Subdivision, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has reviewed this request and has recommended denial because the size of the I.ots is only 75% of the zoning rcc,uirc.nwnLs and Lltc! loLs wultl 11oL bc compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council, upon the recommendation of the Plan Cotrniission, does hereby deny the request of Richard 0 Meinecke for legal lot status of Lots 2 and 3, Block "C" in the Eluskego Ileach Park Addition Subdivision bccause thc size of Lltc 101,s is 757;, of tlt~ zolting r~quircnlent and the lots would IIUL bc c;~~npx~iI~lc wi~tt the surrounding neighborhood - DATED THIS 2 9. DAY OF 1983 Ad! u+" AlT Charles C. Colburn ATTEST, City Clerk