CCR1983054P RESOLUTION #54-83 APPROVAL OF 1983 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET WHEREAS, it has been determined that the attached proposed 1983 Sewer Utility Budget be approved by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, the Public Sewer Committee has recommended that attached Sewer Utility Budget in the amount of $560,423.00 be approved, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council Public Sewer Committee, does hereby approve of the of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the attached proposed 1983 Sewer Utility Budget in the amount of $560.423.00. DATED THIS ,$$ DAY OF /“p,A&a,y , 1983. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE ATTEST: City Clerk Ald. ” Ralph Tomczyk I I i CITY OF hlUSKEG0 1983 SEWER UTILITY BLIDGET REVENUE - 1981 Sewer Service Charges $428.000 Customer Penalties 300 Sewer Connect ion Fees 6 Interest from Investments 15,000 TOTAL $463,300 20,000 EXF’ENSES 1981 Supervision & Labor $51,830 Operating Supplies & Exp. 6,000 Chemical Expenses 10,000 Transportation Espenses 2,000 Maint. of Bldgs & Grounds 700 hlaint. of Trentment Plt. Eqpt. 5,000 Maint. of Sewage Collection Ewt . 7 I 000 Rent Expense 6,000 Accounting 8: Collection 3,000 General Office Salaries 3,000 General Office Supplies 1,600 Employee Pension & Benefits 7,000 Other General Expenses Outside Services 15,000 Legal Fees - Utilities 55,000 Town of Norway 12,000 Telephone - Engineer Fees (New Acct.) Insurance Peplacement Fund Due to City of Muskego 205,757 Interest-Long Term Debt 60.297 Principal Revenue Bonds 35,000 - - - - TOTAL $488.184 1982 S415,169 125 32,645 - 10,000 $457,939 1982 $55,000 2,000 8, 000 2 I 500 3,500 12,000 12,000 8,500 2,250 5,500 9.000 1,000 10,000 - 22,000 62,000 8,200 7,000 325 - 138,575 58,373 35,000 $462,723 - 1983 S627,570 100 25,000 $662,670 1o.noo 1983 $75,209 2 I 500 5,000 2,800 3,500 9,000 7,000 G .OOO 10,000 2 ~ 500 2,000 9,000 35,000 1 ,000 20,000 20 ~ 000 68,000 400 20,000 10,350 2,045 132,671 56,448 40 I 000 $560,423