1. That this Resolution is a resolution of necessity, in
accordance with sections 32.06(1) and 32.07(2), Wisconsin
Statutes, relating to the within-described public
improvement project;
2. That it is hereby determined that it is necessary for the
City of Muskego to create an addition to the Muskego
Industrial Park for the public purpose of improving the
industrial park in the City of Muskego.
3. That it is also necessary, in the futherance of the above
stated public purpose, for the City to acquire the fee
title to the following described real estate for said new
industrial park:
4. That the City of Muskego will acquire, by condemnation in
accordance with Chapter 32, Wisconsin Statutes, if
necessary, the above-described interest in the above
described real estate from the record owners thereof, who
presently are:
Parcel 1: Loomis Enterprises, Inc.,
Parcels 2 & 4: Jean Wallner
Parcel 3: Raymond R. Wallner
Parcels 5 & 6: Harold R. DeBack
a Visconsin ?Ion-Stock Corporation
and from any and all other persons or entities who may have
a record interest in said real estate.
Council of the City of Muskego this $2 day of f 1 That the herein resolution was passed and adopted y the Common
1983, by a vote of ‘7 ayes and A nays. ”
January 24, 1983
e FOR: City of Muskego
Proposed Land Acquisition for Muskego
Industrial Park Addition: Parcel No. 1
All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, Town 5 North,
Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,
bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the East 114 corner of said Section 17; thence
South 88' 19' 54" West, along the East 1/4 line of Section 17,
696.19 ft. to the place of beginning of the parcel of land
hereinafter described; thence continuing South 88' 19' 54" West,
655.53 ft.; thence South 1' 03' 33" East, along the 1/8th line,
more or less; thence North lo 03' 33" West, 1328 ft. more or less
1327 ft. more or less; thence North 88" 27' 30" East, 655 ft.
to the place of beginning containing approximately 19.9 acres.
(Portion of land as described on Reel 499, Image 281, Doc. No.
1186051) Owner: Loomis Enterprises Inc.
NOTE: Final area and boundaries of land acquisition to be
determined in the future upon completion of exterior survey.
Bearings in above description oriented to City of Muskego
Control Grid System.
Richard C. Guenther
e Sl
January 24, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
Proposed Land Acquisition for Muskego
Industrial Park Addition: Parcel No. 2
All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, Town 5 North,
Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,
bounded and described as follows: e Commencing at the East 1/4 corner of said Section 17; thence South 88O 19' 54" West, along the East 1/4 line of Section 17,
71.51 ft. to the place of beginning of the parcel of land here-
inafter described; thence continuing South 88' 19' 54" West along
said East 1/4 line, 624.68 ft.; thence South 1" 03' 33.' East,
1328 ft. more or less; thence North 88' 27' 30" East, 624.6 ft.
more or less; thence North 1" 03' 34", 1329.02 ft. to the place
of beginning containing approximately 19.0 acres.
(Portion of land as described on Reel 346, Image 1330,
Doc. No. 1082857); Owner Jean Wallner
NOTE: Final area and boundaries of land acquisition to be
determined in the future, upon completion of exterior survey.
Bearings in above description oriented to City of Muskego
Control Grid System.
Richard C. Guenther
January 24, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
Proposed Land Acquisition for Muskego
Industrial Park Addition: Parcel No. 3
All that part of the Southwest 114 of Section 16, and Southeast
114 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego,
Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the West 114 corner of said Section 16,; thence
North 88" 47' 42" East, along the West 114 line of Section 16,
887.89 ft.; thence South 1' 12' 18" East, 937.66 ft.; thence
South 88O 47' 42" West, 890.27 ft.; thence South 1" 03' 33" East,
North 1' 03' 34" West. 1329.02 ft.; thence North 88" 19' 54" East,
391.47 ft.; thence South 88' 18' 12" West, 71.51 ft.; thence
inning. Containing approximately 71.51 ft. to the place of beg
21.3 .acres.
(Lands described on Reel 346
Owner:, Jean Wallner
, Image 1329, Doc. No. 1082856)
NOTE: Final area boundaries of land acquisition to be determined
above description oriented to City of Muskeao Control Grid System.
in the future upon completion of exterior survey. Bearings in
Richard C. Guenther
January 24, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
Industrial Park Addition: Parcel No. 4 Proposed Land Acquisition for Muskego
All that part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 5 North,
Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded
and described as follows:
Commencing at the West 1/4 corner of said Section 16; thence North
to the place of beginning; thence continuing North 88' 47' 42"
88" 47' 42" East, along the West 1/4 line of Section 16, 887.89 ft.
East, 789.37 to the Westerly right-of-way line of Racine Ave. (C.T.H.
of which lies West, and a chord bearing South 5" 46' 53" East,
"Y") thence along the arc of a curve, radius of 1974.48 ft. center
545.38 ft.; thence South 7O 25' 51" East, 354.31 ft.; thence South
2" 15' 47" West, 41.87 ft.; thence South 88" 47' 42" West, 868.86
ft.; thence North 1" 12' 18" West, 937.66 ft. to the place of beginning containing approximately 18 acres more or less.
(Portion of lands as described on Reel 346, Image of 1330,
DOC. NO. 1082857) Owner: Jean Wallner
NOTE: Final area and boundaries of land acquisition to be
bearings in above description oriented to City of Muskego
determined in the future upon completion of exterior survey,
Control Grid System.
Richard C. Guenther
January 24, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
Industrial Park Addition: Parcel No. 5 Proposed Land Acquisition for Muskego
All that part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 5 North,
Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded
and described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Parcel No. 2 on C.S.M. NO.
3231, Doc. No. 1038137; thence South 88' 41' 06" West, 1597.45 ft.;
thence North Oo 59' 13" West, 388.09 ft.; thence North 88" 41' 06"
East, 1632.85 ft.; thence South 3' 24' 53" East, along the Westerly
60.00 ft.; thence South 12" 19' 15" West, 167.02 ft. to the place
line of said C.S.M., 166.03 ft.; thence South 2' 49' 39" West,
of beginning containing approximately 14.5 acres.
(Portion of lands as described on Reel 271, Image 498, DOC.
No. 1024105)
NOTE: Final area and boundaries of land acquisition to be
bearings in above description oriented to the City of Muskego
determined in the future upon completion of exterior survey,
Control Grid System.
Richard C. Guenther
. .C
January 24, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
Industrial Park Addition: Parcel No. 6
Proposed Land Acquisition for ?!~skego
All that part of the Southwest 114 of Section 16, Town 5 North,
Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded
and described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southwest 114 of Section
16; thence North OOo 59' 13" West, along the West line of said
scribed; thence continuing North 88' 41' 06" East, 126.50 ft. to
ft. to the place of beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter de-
the Westerly right-of-way line of Racine Ave. (C.T.H. Y); thence
South 2' 12' 21" West, along said Westerly right-of-way line, 388.81
ft.; thence South 88O 41' 06" West, 140.25 ft.; thence North 12" 19'
thence North 03O 24' 53" West, 166.03 ft. to the place of beginning
15" East, 167.02 ft.; thence North 2' 49' 39" East, 60.00 ft.;
containing 1.028 acres.
Southwest 114 1718.77 ft.; thence North 88" 41' 06" East, 1632.85
(Previous C.S.M. No. 3231, Doc. No. 1038137) Owner: Harold R. DeBack
Includes Parcel No. 1, Parcel No. 2 and existing public
right-of-way. Existing public right-of-way to be vacated
per state statutes.
NOTE: Final area and boundaries to be determined in the future
upon completion of exterior survey. Bearings in above description
oriented to the City of Muskego Control Grid System.
Richard C. Guenther