CCR1983007RESOLUTION #7-83 AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISING OF BIDS (As Amended) FOR THE SOUTH DENOON WAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT .. WHEBEAS, plana and specifications for the reconstruction project for South Denoon Road have been completed, and WHEREAS, funds for this road improvement arc Lo bc Lakcn from TIF No. 1. WHEREAS, tho Public Works Conmittee has reviewed the plans and he recomended that the project be let out for bids. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Couuuon Council of the City of Muskago, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, doe8 hereby authorize the City's consulting engineers, Ruekert & Mielke, to advertise for bids for the reconstruction of South Denoon Road. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Works Committee will report their findings and recommendations to the Common Council. DATED THIS )&q DAY OF 1983. S COMMITTEE C9A.d.m CAW" Ald. Lharles C. Colburn _- Aid, Mitchel Penovich ~ AlTEST : City Clark RESOLUTION 1/7-83 AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISING OF BIDS ' FOR THE SOUTH DENOON ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT '. , . .. r.. , WHEREAS, plans.and specifications for the reconstruction project for South Denoon Road have been completed, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Cornittee has reviewed the plans and has recomnended that the project be let out for bids. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby authorize the City's consulting engineers, Ruekert 6 Mielke, to advertise for bids for the reconstruction of South Denoon Road. e BE IT mTRTHER RESOLVED that the Public Works Committee will report their findings and recommendations to the Common Counci 1. e DATED THIS DAY OF , 1983. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE LLL Ald. Charles C. Colburn Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich ATTEST : City Clerk e 1/83 jm