CCR1983002RESOLUTION #2-83 APPROVAL OF 1983 PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR'MENT CAPITAL BUDGET :* . WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Public Works ha8 requested the following itma to be included in the Public Works Capital Budget : - Storm Drainage $25,000 Truck 43,000 Replacement Steel Roller 10,000 Major Road 1mp.rovements 100 000 s178,oOu. and WHEREAS', the Capital Budget Coannittee recoamended that the and $25,000 for Storm Drainage and $43,000 for a Truck be deleted, WHEREAS, the Finance Camittee further reviewed this request and determined that a Patrol Buckbe reinstated into the Capital Budget and that the Road Improvement fund be reduced to $60,000. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cmon Council of the City of Muskego, upon the reconanendation of the Finance Cmittee, does hereby approve the following capital budget for the Public Worke Department for 1983: Pah.01 Truck $ 43,000 Reulacement Steel Roller 10,000 Major Road Improvrmants 6Ov0O0 rn DATED THIS & DAY OF 1983. Ala. Mitchel Penwich Ald. Robert Klenz ATTEST : City Clerk ,