CCR1982179RESOLUTION #179-82 n I* AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FROM VARIOUS CITY ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, Section 65.90 of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the budgetary adjustments as listed on the attached schedule be approved by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended the transfer of funds in the amount of $35,847.05 from various city offset the city's deficit, accounts to the Contingency Account, #58300-3212 to help THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby direct the City Clerk-Comptroller to make adjustments in the amount of $35,847.05 to the 1982 budget as per the attached scFedule. Ald. Mitchel Penovich ATTEST : City Clerk 91 82 je ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION #179-82 Transfer to the Contingency Account #58300-3212: $35,847.05 From the following listed accounts: Mayor & Corn. Council-Conf. & Spec. Events 4 Mayor & Corn. Council-Dues & Memberships Administration-Office Sup. & Expenses Elections-Fees City Hall-Maint. of Bldgs. & Grounds City Treasurer-Conf. & Spec. Events Assessor-Professional Services Assessor-Board of Review Police-Salaries & Wages; Officers Police-Salaries; Waterpatrol Police-Salaries; Janitorial 1, 0 Polfce-Salaries; Training Pollce-Uniforms & Officers Equipment Police-Office Supplies & Expenses Police-Other Supplies & Expenses Police-Sup. & Exp.; Field Operations Police-Sup. & Exp.; Records & Communication Police-Gas, Oil & Lubrication Police-Recruitment p Police-Vehicle Replacement Police-Maint. of Vehicles & Equip. Police-Maint. of Radios Police-Officers Overtime Bldg. 1nsp.-Other Supplies & Expenses Bldg. 1nsp.-Print Materials Bldg. 1nsp.-Dues & Memberships Bldg. 1nsp.-Auto Allowance Bldg. 1nsp.-Salaries Plan Commission-Conf. & Spec. Events Parks-Training Parks-Clothing Allowance Parks-Office Supplies & Expenses Parks-Other Supplies & Expenses Parks-Rentals & Leases Parks-Conferences & Spec. Events I e Parks-Dues & Memberships #50100-3613 $ j/50100-3614 j)51000-3211 #50700-2400 #50900-5200 #50300-3613 #50400-2100 #50400-2300 #52000-1100 #52000-1113 #52000-1115 #52000-1116 #52000-1510 #52000-3211 #52000-3212 {,52000-3216 #52000-3217 #52000-3311 #52000-3711 #52000-3910 #52000-5100 #52000-5300 {~52000-1110 #52500-3212 #52500-3213 #52500-3614 #52500-1520 #52500-1100 #52800-3613 j’57300-1116 #57300-1510 #57300-3211 jl57300-3213 #57300-3511 #57300-3613 #57300-3614 729.00 612.50 1,200.00 4,000.00 980.00 220.00 500.00 95.00 633.00 100.00 3,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,000.00 700.00 100.00 3,000.00 200.00 5,722.00 1,000.00 250.00 5,671.00 100.00 500.00 90.00 1,875.86 439.32 125.65 50,OO 70.00 55.00 500.00 903.72 75.00 50.00