CCR1982154BESOLUTION 1154-82
(As Amended)
1082 CI- DEFICIT \ "
unE&€As, it hms been determined thvt the 1982 budget is causing
tba clty to ogctr&te at a dolicit, bind
UtlUSIS, it in necouuvry thvt thu Coavnon Council, upon tbu ucivica of Lhu City'u finuncivl COnuultontl thnt ocrion bu tukurl to rucluce
tbu cPlrtlnwtod dulicit by )112,313.00, und
YtlEREIs, the Finance CocPmittee has recommended thkt this could
ba ac-plisbed by MdjUting the extra pay period of 1982 into tbe 1983 calendu year, and
hUWS, the unspent portion in the library salary account in
the mount Of S12,519.00 will be put towarda the 1982 deficit
and will be considered the library'e share of the 1982 deficit,
wmm, ~~l~oo~~o in the salary account of the Public Works bpvrt-nC WU not usad during an employer's absence due to
90 inJUY Md Obdl also be used to reduce the deficit, and
WHEREAS, the city has requested that employees tnke compensatory
time in lieu Of paid overtime and the Union hus nsked the city to waive the maximum 60-hour limitation on accumulation of compen-
satory time,
YHEREAS, the balance of the deficit will be divided among tbe
dopnrtaeots Of thr, city by the percentoge uount bnwd upon the
lY8a nrhry budgut,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thut the Cornon Council of the City
of Muskego, upon the reconunendution of the Finunce Cownittee, does hereby tuke the fOllOwing action to reduce the 1982 City
Placing the extra pay period of 1982 into the 1983 cnlendar
year and dividing the yearly salary by 27 pay periods in that year.
PhCing the Unspent Portion in the library salnry nccount in the amount of $12,513.00 towurds the 1982 deficit which ,.
will considered thrr library's shurrr of thu deficit.
Using .the $7,800.00 in the salary account of the Public
Works Depurtmant which wue untspunt due to un umployee'&
uhence n& the result Of un injury.
The balance of the deficit will be divided among the
departments of the city by the percentage amount based
won the . ._ lB82 salary budget.
The City of Muskego agrees to waive the 60-hour limitation
as to the accumulation of compensatory time and SO doing does not set a precedent for future negOtiatiOI~s but has
simply recognized the city's 1982 deficit situation.
" .
DATU TUIS 27th DAY OF - JULY , 1082.
Ald: Edwin P. Duike
Ald. Mitchel Penovich
Q&L.&, y ,
Ald. nobert nenz