CCR1982080RESOLUTION #80-82
WHEREAS, the northeast treatment facility in the City of Muskego
has a designed capacity of 500,000 gallons per day, and
WHEREAS, the sewage flow presently generated by users plus the
flow estimated to be generated by residential development and
industrial development previously committed by the Council at
certain times far exceeds the 500,000 gallons per day, and
WHEREAS, the excessive flow is contributing to the backup of
sewage causing basement flooding and the welfare of the people
served by this system is the concern of this Council, and
WHEREAS, it is felt that no further major residential development
should be permitted to connect into the northeast treatment
facilities and that a moratorium should be placed on the develop-
ment of all major subdivisons which would require municipal
sewer service, and
WHEREAS, a major subdivision is defined as any subdivision which
creates more than four (4) lots, or four (4) units, and
WHEREAS, the city's consulting engineers have concurred with the
capacity and that a significant increase in flow would aggravate
feeling that the northeast plant has hydraulically overloaded its
the problems,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, since the city's consulting
engineers have concurred with the feeling that the northeast
sewage treatment plant has hydraulically overloaded its capacity
problems, the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby
and that a significant increase in flow would aggravate the
determine that the designed capacity of the city's northeast
treatment facility has been exceeded on several occasions and that
could have an adverse affect on the welfare of the community and
any substantial increase in the flow caused by large developments
major residential subdivisions (more than four (4) lots, or four (4)
does therefore declare a moratorium on the development of all
units) in the northeast sewer district.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the need for a continuation of this
moratorium shall again be reviewed six months from the date of this
resolution by the Common Council.
DATED THIS ,/,* DAY OF m4/ , 1982.
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke \
City Clerk