CCR1982074RESOLUTION #74-82 ACCEPTING COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS, INC. AS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (Muskego Sun) WHEREAS, bids had been advertised for the publication of City of Muskego Official Notices, and WHEREAS, a bid was received from Community Newspapers, InC. as follows. Common Council proceedings, ordinances, Insertion notices and other published matter set :Insertion in "solid" or paragraph form ............ $3.00 $2.35 1st 2nd Display ads, ballots and other matter set in display format ................... $5.75 $4.55 All figures are per column inch and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that Community Newspapers, Inc. be designated as the Official City Newspaper, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the bid of Community Newspapers, Inc. (Muskego Sun) as follows. Common Council proceedings, ordinances, notices and other published matter set in "solid" or paragraph form ............ $3.00 $2.35 1st 2nd Insertion Insert ion Display ads, ballots and other matter set in display format .................. $5.75 $4.55 All figures are per column inch BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is authorized to notify Community Newspapers, Inc. of their appointment. DATED THIS DAY OF 1982. FINANCE COMMITTEE Q Ald. Mitchel Penovich City Clerk - , My 1, 1982 Legal Rate8 Waukesha, Washington, Ozuakee and Rscine Counties let ineertion 2nd insertion PER COLUMN INCH Council proceeding8 , ordinances, notic88 and other publiahed metter ret in %Ofid" or paragraph form.. . . . . . . . *3.00 *2.35 a Dieplay ada, ballot8 and other matter ret in display format ............. 5.75 4.55 All fication ertabliehed for our column width and ty e style by the Wiecon- above rate8 are at or below the Newspaper Legal Notice Rate Certi- rin Department of Administration, Bureau of Purc R ares and Servicer, State printinn Office. There column inch rater are bel- the equivalent of State Legal Rate Cerification line rate. for our column width and type style: 38.4~ per line, first inrertion; 30.3~ per line, recond inrertion. L * The camparable open column inch rate for coPrmercia1 custanerr ia $8.12.