WHEREAS, the City of Muskego, Wisconsin (the "City"), has by
bonds pursuant to Wis. Stats. Section 66.521 in an amount not to
resolution of its Common Council expressed its intent to issue
Buth and/or Peter Geiss (the "Individuals") and/or a partnership
exceed $400.000 for the purpose of financing on behalf of James
to be formed of which the Individuals are general partners and/or
holders (individually or in combination referred to herein as the
a corporation to be formed of which the Individuals are share-
"Company"), certain of the costs of acquiring land in the City
primarily as a medical clinic (which acquisition, construction,
and constructing and equipping thereon a new facility to be used
equipping and related improvements and expenditures are herein
called the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, Wis. Stats. 66.521(11)(b)l. provides in the first
sentence thereof that construction work which is let by contract
and which has an estimated cost exceeding $5,000 may be financed
with industrial revenue bonds only if the contract is let to the
advertised by publishing a class 2 notice under Ch. 985; and
lowest responsible bidder and proposals for the contract are
WHEREAS, the Individuals have informed the City that com-
pliance with the notice and public bidding requirement in the
hinder the expeditious commencement of the Project and result in
first sentence of Wis. Stats. Section 66.521(11)(b)l. could
additional costs to the Company and substantial delays and possibly
prevent the Company from taking advantage of existing relation-
the Project; and
ships which would be most desirable for efficient completion of
WHEREAS, Wis. Stats. Section 66.521(11)(b) provides the City
with authority to waive the public bidding requirement described
in Section 66.521(11)(b)l.;
City of Muskego that this Common Council hereby finds that the
imposition of the public notice and bidding requirements of the
first sentence of Wis. Stats. Section 66.521(11)(b)l. could
hinder the expeditious commencement of the Project and result in
additional costs to the Company and substantial delays and possibly
prevent the Company from taking advantage of existing relationships
which would be most desirable for efficient completion of the
Project; therefore, this Common Council pursuant to the authority
granted to it by Wis. Stats. Section 66.521(11) (b)(2) hereby
waives the requirements of the first sentence of Wis. Stats.
Section 66.521(11)(b)l. with regard to the Project provided that
the revenue producing agreement for the financing,shall contain
an indemnification provision satisfactory to the City;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Common Council of the
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to
publish this resolution as a class 1 notice under Ch. 985, Wis.
Stats. (relating to publication of official notices) in the
newspaper in which the City's official notices are published
pursuant to such chapter.
City Clerk
Approved , 1982
JTW64 : C
Waukesha County, Wisconsin at a lawful meeting held on
1982, adopted a resolution, pursuant to Section 66.521 of the
City as follows:
TAKE NOTICE that the Common Council of the City of Muskego,
) Wisconsin Statutes, as amended, setting forth the intent of the
3 WHEREAS, the City of Muskego, Wisconsin (the "City"), has by
bonds pursuant to Wis. Stats. Section 66.521 in an amount not to
resolution of its Common Council expressed its intent to issue
exceed 5400,000 for the purpose of financing on behalf of Dr.
James Buth and/or Peter Geiss (the "Individuals") and/or a partner-
ship to be formed of which the Individuals are general partners
and/or a corporation to be formed of which the Individuals are
as the "Company") certain of the costs of acquiring land in the shareholders (individually or in combination referred to herein
City and constructing and equipping thereon a new facility to be
used primarily as a medical clinic (which acquisition, construc-
tion, equipping and related improvements and expenditures are
herein called the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, Wis. Stats. 66.521(11)(b)l. provides in the first b sentence thereof that construction work which is let by contract
with industrial revenue bonds only if the contract is let to the
and which has an estimated cost exceeding $S,OOO may be financed
lowest responsible bidder and proposals for the contract are
advertised by publishing a class 2 notice under Ch. 985; and
WHEREAS, the Individuals have informed the City that com-
pliance with the notice and public bidding requirement in the
hinder the expeditious commencement of the Project and result in
first sentence of Wis. Stats. Section 66.521(11)(b)l. could
additional costs to the Company and substantial delays and possibly
prevent the Company from taking advantage of existing relation-
the Project; and
ships which would be most desirable for efficient completion of
WHEREAS, Wis. Stats. Section 66.521(11)(b) provides the City
with authority to waive the public bidding requirement described
in Section 66.521(ll)(b)l.;
a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Common Council of the
City of Muskego that this Common Council hereby finds that the
imposition of the public notice and bidding requirements of the
first sentence of Wis. Stats. Section 66.521(11)(b)l. could
hinder the expeditious commencement of the Project and result in
additional costs to the Company and substantial delays and possibly
prevent the Company from taking advantage of existinq relationships
Project; therefore, this Common Council pursuant to the authority
which would be most desirable for efficient completion of the
granted to it by Wis. Stats. Section 66.521(11) (b)(2) hereby
waives the requirements of the first sentence of Wis. Stats.
Section 66.521(11)(b)l. with regard to the Project provided that
the revenue producing agreement for the financing shall contain 1) an indemnification provision satisfactory to the City;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to
publish this resolution as a class 1 notice under Ch. 985, Wis.
newspaper in which the City's official notices are published
pursuant to such chapter.
Stats. (relating to publication of official notices) in the
Date: <? ,/ A3 , 1982
City Clerk
JTW64 : D