CCR1982017RESOLUTION #17-82 ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES RELATING TO WHEN ELECTED OFFICIALS AND NON-ELECTED CITY EMPLOYEES ATTEND CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS AND SEPINARS OR TAKE TRIPS WHEREAS, there is a need for procedures for non-elected and elected officials when they request to attend conferences, seminars or take trips that are funded by the City of Muskego, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all requests by elected or take trips be approved by a specific dollar amount by and non-elected officials to attend conferences, seminars the Finance Committee prior to attendance of conferences, seminars or take trips. Ald. Richard M. Knudsen ATTEST City Clerk blarch 9, 1982 TO THE HONORABLE ALDERUEN OF THE CITY OF LlUSKEGO Gentlemen: On the 23rd day of February, 1982, your honorable body adopted Resolution ~17-82. entitled, Establishing Procedurcs Relating to Yhen Elected Officials and Non-Elected City Employecs Attend Con- ferences, Conventions and Seminars or Take Trips. Although the renson for the resolution may have somc merit, the wording itself is so ambiguous that if allowed to stand it could cmployees as well as the Finance Conunittee and the Common Council * create many problems for the elected officials and non-clectcd The resolution does not define what is meant by conferences, seminars or trips. Therefore, every official or employee would have to request approval by the Finance Committee every time he leaves the city, whether it be to appear in court, to attend a meeting in Waukesha, Milwaukee and Madison, and, of course, if he should have to leavethe state. I do not believe the majority of the aldermen want to place that kind of imposition on the elected officials and employees of the city. Certainly, if attendance outside of the state is plnnned, prior approval should bc rcceivcd by Lhc Finance Committee and perhaps even the Common Council. At the present time, prior approval of the Finance Committee is a prerequisite. However, approval of attendance at Conferences and seminars within the state, if the Common Council has approved a budget which includes funds for such a purpose, is not necessary. If the Common Council feels that the attendance at conferences and seminars has no value LO the official or employee then they should not approve a budget which includes those conventions and seminars. It has been suggested that all requests for seminars, conferences, erc. should be approved by the Finance Committee including a specific :mount for that particular meeting. If the Common Councjl wishes to get that deeply involved in a prebudgeted item then ;I more specific policy should be established. For example, the Common Council might wish to specify the number of miles a person has to travel to attend a conference or seminar bcfore prior approval is required. They might also want to establish a specific amount Of money that could be spent for 1odginK and meals. They could even require a written report from the individual who attends the conferences and seminars advising the Council what took place. A review of expenditures over the past several years which involves the attendance of elected officials and city employees at conferences, conventions, etc. does not indicate any misuse of the privilege. However, if you wish to develop procedures in regard to this I think they should be done after considerable thought has been given to the matter. and respectfully osk that you sustain that ve~o. It is for the above reasons that I have dccidcd to veto your action ,. JJC/ je Sincerely yours, Jerome J. Gottfricd, Mayor City of hluskego Wls2 58200 RACINE AVENUE MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN 53150 March 1, 1982 I , I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Charlotte L. Stewart, City Clerk ~ ." .of>t3i2'Cit.y dolhei.eby certify ,that' on-March 1, ,1982, the City of MGskego submitted to this " I (. to,;eto Resolution #17-82, entitled, Es%abPishin,g ProceduTes Relating to When Elected Officlals and City Employees Attend Conferences, Conventions~ and Seminars, and which was adopted by a vote of, 5 - 2 'at the Common Council meeting held on \ c '.,'" \ ,_ . -.~ ,,. I \.>', -1 I, "February 23, 1982. Charlotte L. Stew%art, City Clerk City of Muskego '; RESOLUTION #17-82 ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES RELATING 1'0 WIII:N K1J:CTKD OFFICIALS AND NON-ELECTED CITY EhU'LOYEES A'YI'ENL, CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS AND SEE!INARS OR TAKE TRIPS WHEREAS, there is a need for procedures for non-elected and elected officials when they request to attend conferences, seminars or take trips that are funded by the City of Muskego, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that a11 requests by elected and non-elected officials to attend conferences, seminars or take trips be approved by a specific dollar amount by the Finance Committee prior to attendance of conferences, seminars or take trips. DATED THIS DAY OF ' , 1982. Ald. Richard M. Knudsen ATTEST. City Clerk