CCR1981180RESOLUTION $1180-81 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD AND CITY OF MUSKEG0 WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has previously agreed to join the Waukesha County Federated Library System, and WHEREAS, as part of that agreement, it is required that a municipality stay in the system for three years, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to execute a new agreement between the Federated Library System Board and the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval of the agreement. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Library Board and the Finance Cormnittee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk Board and the City of Muskego. to execute an agreement between the Federated Library System BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this agreement expires as of December 31, 1983. DATED THIS 24th DAY OF November , 1981 e FINANCE COMMITTEE - Ald. Wayne Radtke I ATTEST AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD AND PARTICIPATING LIBRARIES I. General Agreement and Purpose: 0 The Waukesha Coun d and the Library and/or the , (municipal governing-body thereof) do hereby enter i t for theJpurpose of providing library service to all residents of through local participating public libraries. Further, the System Board shall act in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes and directives of the State Division for Library Services in setting policies, goals. guidelines, and procedures in order to create a system which serves the needs and citizens of Waukesha County. It shall be the duty of the System Board to provides for the availability of equitable library services and benefits to all by the Waukesha County Board of Supervisors. prepare an annual System budget in accordance with the standard procedures Set 11. Definitions for the purposes of this agreement: (A) "System Board" is the body established by the Waukesha County Board of accordance with Section 43.19 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Supervisors as the Waukesha County Federated Library System Board in e (6) "Waukesha County Federated Library System" is the organization operating under the System Board to provide and administer the public library system for Waukesha County. County, organized under Section 43.52 of the Wisconsin Statutes, which has entered into an agreement with the System Board for the purpose Of carrying out the county library program. record, 16mn or &rm film, video tape, or any other item or equipment used in circulation except as noted below. (C) "Member" is the local participating public library within Waukesha (0) "Materials' means any book, audio-visual material, cassette, phonograph (E) "Circulation" means the check out by a resident of any material which is (F) "Guidelines" means the mutually agreed upon hours of operation per week, to library services in an equitable fashion. telephone service, and other provisions which insure access of residents the property of a member 1 ibrary. (G) "Resident" means any person who is domiciled in Waukesha County. ,[I. Mutual Agreements: 2. %.., - It is the purpose of members joining in these agreements to create a system of mutual reciprocity of library facilities and services to all residents of Waukesha County on an equal basis. The Ctty of Waukesha Public Library shall serve as the System Resource e. Library for the Waukesha County Federated Library System and shall agree to cooperate with the Waukesha County Federated System Board and member libraries in developing and tmproving system-wide services. It is agreed that thts agreement shall supersede any and all previous intra-county agreements whtch members may have wtth other parties. Members shall conduct operations and library servtces in accordance with accepted ltbrary procedures. Income from fines shall be returned to the and improve services from this date forward. lending library. Each cornunity should continue to strive to strengthen This agreement shall be effecttve from January 1. 1982. 'through December 31, 1983. Renewal of the agreement shall be on a year to year basis thereafter. All members shall agree to honor cards of all other members. by Waukesha County. All members shall be accountable for accurate Payments to member libraries for federated library services shall be made Board or the Division for Library Services. financial and circulation records as may be required by the System -a IV. Servtces provtded by members shall include: (A) Providing services to any and all county residents on the same basis as services gtven to residents of the local municipality. Every effort shall be made to .trnprove services, not reduce them. (E) Granting reciprocal service or lending to any valldly registered member of any other parttctpating library and issue a borrowers' card to any County resident. All materials borrowed must be returned to the lending 1 ibrary. described In I1 (0) of this contract, from the resource library or from participating librartes upon request from the resource lfbrary. (C) Establishing inter-ltbrary loan service of requested matertals, as (0) Uttliztng van delivery of all materials as mutually agreed upon to all participating libraries. including films. program and public relations materials. (E) Providtng from each local library telephone access to reference and referral servtces, through the System reference librarian who shall be located in the resource library. (F) Developing a cooperative public relations program promoting use of the system services. 0 (G) Offering films and film service and programs through the auspices of the member 1 i braries. (H) Participate in cooperative in-service workshops as implemented by the system for continuing education in library administration, book selection, reference, programing or other areas of comn interests with attendance by appropriate representatives from each library. b State Aid Resource Money: - (A) State aid resource money is defined as State Aid monies awarded by the Waukesha County Library System Board to member libraries to improve and enhance library collections and/or increase staff ability to serve the public. (8) It is further understood that state aid resource money may not be used to reduce the local support of a comnunity library. (C) State aid resource monies may nbt be used for construction or remodeling. (0) Recipients of state aid resource monies agree to supply an annual statement of how these monies were spent. (E) The System Board will annually review how state aid has been used by system members and make what recomendations it deems necessary. y Evaluation (A) It shall be the duty of each member library to keep complete and accurate records as directed by the System Board of all expenditures relating to the system and to account in full for all monies appropriated to it in accordance with acceptable accounting procedures. Its annual report shall be presented to the System Board. (E) All records regardlng circulatlon shall be maintained in an orderly (C) It shall be the duty of the System Board to evaluate the services and the accessibility of library services to all county residents as measured by the following: 1. Adequate number of hours of daily operation to meet guidelines. 2. Provisions for programing for children, film events, cultural fashion and shall be presented to the System Board in an annual report. events, etc. e 3. Telephone access to libraries and reference information. 4. Circulation figures.