CCR19811780 a I. RESOLUTION #178-81 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF TAX DELINQUENT LAND WHEREAS, the Waukesha County Treasurer hns notified the City of Yuskego that the following tax delinquent real estate is available to the city should they wish to purchase it: Legal description Pt NE 114 Sec 15 T5N R20E Corn 125 86 it th S50 it W86 ft th N it E & 407 ft S of N 1/4 post th 50 ft to bgn (Lot 9 Blk 1 Unrec. Baas Grove) MSKC 2217.952 Price $ 477.03 Pt Lot 4 & 6 Blk 19 Pt NU 1/4 Ek SW 1/4 Sec 4 T5N R20E Jewel Crest Sub. MSKC 2174.166 $ 1,366.18 and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee feels that it would be in the best interest of the city to purchase the above parcels from the county, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the City Clerk to notify the County Treasurer Of the city's intention to purchase the above described tax delinquent land and does further authorize the expenditure as needed in the amount not to exceed $1,743.21. DATED THIS J 0 DAY OF CJI r. , 1981. / ATTEST : FINANCE COAMJTTEE Ald. Wayne Radtke 11/81 je 1 e e