CCR1981126a a a _. RESOLUTION #126-81 AUTHORIZING STEP 111. WISCONSIN FUND GRANT APPLICATION WHEREAS. the City of Muskego has completed its Infiltration/ Sewage Commission, and Inflow Study in cooperation with the Milwaukee Metropolitan WHEREAS, it is estimated that the manhole rehabilitation, as required, could total approximately $535.2h0.00. and WHEREAS, the Comon Council of the City of Muskego is planning improvements to its sewer system, and WHEREAS, funds are available from the State of Wisconsin to help pay, in part, the cost of the rehabilitation, and GJHEREAS, it Is necessary that the Common Council authorize the Mayor and/or Clerk to execute the necessary application for a State grant TIIEKEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of tlie City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor and/or Clerk Granr: Application in the amount ,Of $321,000 .Oo ro execute the application for Step 111, Wi.sconsin Fund DATED THIS 2% DAY OF ATTEST :