CCR1981116RESOLUTION #1.16-81 RESOLUTION DEFERRING PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT FOR COSTS OF SEWER FOR THE ALBERT LUTSCH PROPERTY LOCATED AT S73 W14270 WOODS ROAD IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN WHEREAS, the city currently has a special assessment lien for sewers on the following described real estate located within the City of Muskego The following described real estate in Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin: PT NE 114 SEC 11 t5N N 6 27 C, TH W 20 44 C, TH s 13.31 C TO CTR OF HY, R20E COM ON E LI 20 C 48 LKS N OF E 114 POST, TH TH N 71 E 21.62 C TO BGN. EX VOL 6451154 19.42 AC., City of Muskego. and WHEREAS, the owner of said real estate, Albert Lutsch. has requested the City to defer said s2ecia.l :issessnlent under the provisions of Section 66.605 Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, said Alberr: Lutsch has made application to the city for an extension of time within which to pay the special assessment that has been levied against said property, which consists of the following - $13,461 50 - special assessment $14,538 42 - total assessment 1,076 92 - interest and, WHEREAS, a moratorium placcd on the sewer district ui the City of Muskugo by the DNR prohibits the development of thf. pror'erty and ~hcrcfore the use OP the installed sewers, NOW, THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the special assc?ssltlcnLs alfcctin~ the Albert Lutsch property which were the result of certain sewer construction hereby is deferred for a j)cric.d of ten (IO) years Prom this date, and UE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that while said special asscssinr.nt is outs tan din^ under the terms and conditions oP this deIcl'mf?llL the s;tmc: shall bear interest at the rate of ninc (9) pttrccnt per annum. UE IT ITILTHER RESOLVED that this action is takull pursuant Lo Lhc provisions of Resolution 419-71, As Amended, enti[ Icd, Rcsolution tst,abl Ishing Deferred As$;csswnt Policies.