CCR1981106RESOLUTION #106-81 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP (Loris and Agnes Roed) TOWN OF NORWAY WHEREAS, a certified survey map has been submitted to the Common Council to finalize a two parcel division of the Loris Town of Norway, and and Agnes Roed property located on South Loomis Road in the WHEREAS, this property is within the extra-territorial juris- diction of the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval of the proposed division. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby apprcve the certified survey map sub- mitted for a two parcel division of the Loris and Agnes Roed property located on South Loomis Road in the Town of Norway. a the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of the $25.00 submittal fee. DATED THIS a DAY OF g;.,p, 4 ,, , 1981 Ald. Robert Klenz ATTEST City Clerk a " I n "l I B I' IRN PIR FOWL IDENTIFIAb1.E kEFERENCE LINE: 3 SWTH LNE ff THE Na)TH. WEST 1/4 CF SECTION 8 ~89'10'45"E IwISCONSIN STATE (u GRID wm. scum ZCNEI RM CCORDNATE SYSTEM, wl 15,360 SQUARE FT RESDENE EXISTING I