CCR1981093I1I~~SOI.UTION #93-81 (As Amended) APPROVAL OF VAIIIOCS LICENSE APPLICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE LICEXSING PERIOU JULY I, 1981 TO JUNE 30, 1982 \VHLHEAS, the City of Muskego has received applications for the various licenses requiring renewal as of July 01’ this resolution by reference. and I, 1981 which applications are attached and made a part WIILREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended to the Common Council approval of said applicants, THERLPOHE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of Lhc City of Muskego. upon thc: recommendation of the Finance Committee. does herel~y approve the applications lor various licenses lor the year 1981-1982 which are a~tached and are a part of this resolution ,? a DATED THIS ” DAY OF FINANCE COhlMITTICk: CITY OF YUSKECO / The FI~I Ic~w'in~ have applied for a Class "B" Fermentoa Halt Reverngc and lutox~cutlng Liquor Licenae for the year 1081-82 in the City IJI Muskego SllO W20845 S. Denoon Rd., Muskego hnoo, Daniel P. b S72 116373 Janeaville Rd., Huskcgo B 8 N Country Squire LTD, Betty Meehan, Agt. cy Crewz W191 S640Y Hillendale Dr., Yuskego Caesn r , $1, I I I v 1173 SI0626 Muskego Dam Rd., Hales Corners Cirlllo, Consiglio W172 S7505 Lannon Dr., Muskego Club 24, Inc , William D. Glynn Agt. S68 W14475 Janesville Rd., Muskego Collins, Jacqueline W143 S7922 Durham Dr., Hales Corners Lembezeder Cook - V,F,W. Post #8P71 -. Thamas Couture, Agt, S83 W20778 Janesville Rd., Muskego, W'i, Cole. tvelyn 385 W21 i 7; J.Lnl.+..vi 1 It: Rd , \luskcpi c a rfor(I's Supper Club, Jacqueline SchiII. Agt. s7ci W17'1.15 J:Lnt!svi lle Rd., Yuskeh.o Carol fluval 1 1125 S970M N. Cape Rd., Hale3 eorncrs W156 S7901 1.adwiG Dr., Muskego El Dorado Retreat, Inc., John Gavin AKt Patsy Han~ula W180 S7RO8 Piuneer Dr., Yuskego Gieae, GOrdOn 376 W17957 Janesville Rd., Yuskego Jaraczewski, Jerome Ul82 98686 Racine Ave., Muekego Yuske 0 Lakes Corporation,.Scott Krause, Agt. 8100 &14020 Loomie Rd., Bales Corners @SO W18700 Apollo Dr., Muekego 1171 87260 Lannon Dr., Iduabep.0 Lucbt, Richard Lavery, Coreen W1W 37060 Hillandale Dr., Muskego Alpine Lanes of Yuskego Inc.. Nnrk Kuglltech, Agt. &n Krzman W198 910857 Hacine AVO., Uuakego Fl6yd Olsen SgO W130'10 Roxhorn Dr.; Hales Corners Mather Thomas ~180 S7Mt)l Pioneer Dr., Muskeg0 Molkentin, Delvin W124 S11093 Union Church Dr., Hales Corners Muskego Moosc- Lodge #1057, Eugene E. Vaughn, Agt. S86 W21693 Janesville Rd., Muskego Morin, Char1 ps ,378 W16355 Woods Rd., Muskego Pankowski, Eugene ~9850 W12532 Loomis Rd., Hales Corners Posielenzny, Sandra S64 W18295 Martin Dr., Muskego Schaumberg, Richard 966 W14512 Janesville Rd., MuskeRo Just, Helen W102 SI9570 Kelsey Dr., Muskego Schimming. Lulu Belle S76 W18040 Janesville Rd , MuskeRo Hunters Nest Black Duck Gun Club, Inc., A. E. Simon, Agt. S80 W14401 SchulIz La., Hales Corners Sobek, Eugene S79 W16419 Woods Rd., Muskego Welch, Robert w126 ~9218 N. Cape Rd., Hales Corners Weber, Hudol ph S67 W14831 Janesville Rd.; Muskew The Pollowing have applied for a Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage Sentry Food Store - 574 W16890 Janesville Rd., Yuekego Nancy Jean Ahles - W125 S9853 N. Cape Rd.. Hales Corners Swatek Sales Cor uration - Pump & Save - S75 W17226 Janesville Rd.. Muskego Pick N Save - S7E-Wl7301 Janesville Rd., Yuskego The following have applied for a Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage & Liquor License .Jean Gilbert - S76 W18180 Janesville Rd., Muskego Carv Anderson. Aat. for Ludwig Brothers - S107.kl6311 faomis Rd., Hales Corners Lawrence F. Fischer - 575 W1730R Janesville Rd Muske o --~- - Daniel Youss1~- Randal Frami - S63 W18630 Martin Dr., Muskego Neome Schaumberg - 566 W14544 W. Janesville Rd., Muskego The following has applied for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage pizza Hut of Suburban Milwaukee - S73 W16730 Janesville Rd., ~~uskego, Robert Schubert. Aaent Daniel' P. Amann - 9110 W20845 S. Denoon Rd., Muskego The following have applied Por a Trap Shoot License Julius Caesar - W173 510626 Muskego Dam Dr., Muskego Richard Bennett, Agt., Boxhorns Big Muskego Gun Club, SO0 W13960 Boxhorn, Musk(+ Alvin E. Simnn - S80 W14401 Schultz La., Hales Corners Daniel Posielenzny - W143 S8025 Schultz La., Bales Corners The following have applied for a Wholesale Fermented Malt Beverage License Gumieny Beer Distributors, Inc.. Robert Gumieay, Agt. S81 lV18475 Gemini Dr., Muskego