CCR1981076RESOLUTION #76-81 ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR CULVERT INSTALLATIONS I. WHEREAS, the Public Works Department had authorized the adver- within the City of Muskego for a one year period, and tising of bids for culvert installation for private drives WHEREAS, a bid was received from Brookfield Culvert Co., and WHEREAS, upon review of the bid received the Public Works Commi.ttee has recommended that the bid of Brookfield Culvert Co. be accepted. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, accept the bid of Brookfield Culvert Co. to install all culverts for private drives within the City of Muskego for a one year period. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the necessary document in the name of the city. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1981. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - Edwin P-. Dumke Ald. Mitchell E. Penovich Ald. Robert Klenz ATTEST 1 City Clerk 5/81 jh CULVERT I ;TALLATION Prnposa 'io thc City of hbskcgo Kuskeyo -, Uieconsin Thc undcroigucd. having become familiar uith tho hCJ1 condition0 offcctlng tho coat of tho WOT~ nnd with the Cootrnct Docurczoco. including odvcrtioomcnt for Uida, Innttuctlolcl to Diddaro. Cencrol Condiciona of the Conrroct. Sycciol Collrlltiono of thc Controct. the Pok of Propooal. the Form of Contract, Fom of I)oad. CLC.. ~d Spccificntions ond Addcndo and &xllibito I30ucd ond octoclwd to rhc Controct Docuwlrt on filc in the Offico of the City Clcrk of hskcgo Vi~comin. hcrcly proyooc to perform cvcryLhing rcquircd to bc pcrforazd cnd to providc OII~ Curnioh all of thc lobor. matcr?ol3. rlcccuunq toolo, cnpcndablc cquipc.cnc ond 011 utility md tromportocion ucrvicco IICCCC!?OI~ to pcrforu GnL oq>lctc in II uorkc;lnlilrc wmncr all of thc work rcquircd for nnd tl~c uorlr acribcd in thc folloving Didding Schedule. all io occordoncc cirh the Spccifl- 'e caciona for the sum Bet forth in tho followi% Cfddirs Schcdulc: LUR? sU!U COSr Per FOOL Coat for minimmum for Lcngch in Lcnjiths EIICCOO of tilnlcus .. 1 lzgO 1.0 ' $ 462.00 8 15.00 2 Cl2-l'.A. 2d'.OO $ 16.50 7 S 514.00 9 17.00