CCR1981037e e AUTHORIZING FUNDING FOR PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION OF INTERSECTION OF LANNON DRIVE AND S. T. H. 24 WHEREAS, the Public Safety Committee of the Common Council has reviewed plans prepared by the State of Wisconsin for reconstruction of the northern interstion of Lannon Drive and S.T.H. 24, and WHEREAS, they have recommended that the reconstruction is needed, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee and the Finance Committee have approved that portion of the project involving the northern portion of the intersection including the northeast and northwest corner of the intersection at a cost of approximately $5,300.00, and WHEREAS, much of the work will be done by the city's Public Works Department, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public authorize the reconstruction of the northern portion of Safety Committee and the Finance Committee, does hereby the intersection of Lannon Drive and S.T.H. 24 at a cost not to exceed $6,000.00. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald Richard M. Knudsen Ald. Thomas Van Lanen Ald. Kenneth Steinberg ATTEST :