CCR1981032\VtIEKEAS, it is necessary I'or the C.ity 01' hluskc'go LI) ljrifiin iLs
preparation for the street. improvenlent prograin I'or 1981,
WHEREAS, rhe Public Works Committee has recommend<?cl that the
City advertise €or bids to provide for the necessary 1,j~tuminous
concrete and asphalt and the various liquid asphalts :LS well
within the city
as permission to advertise I'or bids to repave cc'r~:~ in s~reets
THEREFORE, BE IT KESOL.VEI) thaL the Conmlon Council I>I' LIIC City
01 Muskego, upon the I'ecomnicndation of the l'til~lic \\'ot.ks
Committee, does hereby authorize the advertisin:: 01' I11.ds
Tor asphalt and bituminous concrete for the 19dI m;td
improvement program
LIE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Pub1 ic Works Comitli~ ter: will
with their recommendation
report to the Common Councj~l the results 01 rile hidding along
8 City Clerk