CCR1981028RESOIJUTION #28-81 WHEREAS, the Park and R3creation Board is plannj.ng to complete Phase I11 01 the Bluhm Park Project by the use of LAWCON funds, and WHEREAS, Phase 111, among other thj.ng.5, includes a parking lot, path surl’acing, picnic areas, buil.ding containing restrooms, spectator seating area, etc. and WHEREAS, funds have been borrowed for this purpose, and WHEREAS, application to the DNR is necessary in order that funds can scheduled for this project, and WHEREAS, the application must indicate that the community has committed itself to fifty per cent of the estimated cost , ‘THEREFOHE, UE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of t.he CiLy of b!uskzgo, upon the recommendation of the Park nnd Recreation Board and the Financs Committee, does hereby Park Project can be c:ompleted in 1981. provide $35,000.00 in order that Phase I11 of the l3luhm .. 0 Q,JfrnlJ d. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST :