CCR1981023RESOLUTION #23-81 e ACCEPTING THE LOW QUOTES FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER CONNECTIONS (Lake benoon Area) WIiEI!EAS. quotes have been requested from several sewer contractors ~II [he ;rrea for the installation of sewer connections to the reridcnts of the Lake Denoon area who have not connected to the ciL:/'s sewer system, and Zi!t:kEAS, the following quotes have been received: 3- ALVIN PLAT2 - W199 S10622 North Shore Drive Lindner Bros John Lang $1,435 1,325 e WEiALD DIXON - W198 S10857 Racine Avenue Lindner Bros $4 I 875 John Lang L ,500 ~;;~~.:;1.1:;1; ESTATE - W198 S10043 Racine Avenue " - " Lindner Bros J,,hn Lang Jue DeBelak $2,375 2,540 3,126 J.L\IES iRRINGTON - Li203 510630 Korth Shore Drive 1,indncr Bros $1 ,685 WIlI.:REAS, ?'he Public Sc,wer Committee has reconmended that the low qiloces of John Lang be accepted for the Platz property in the amount of $1,325 and €OK the Dixon property in the amount o f $4,675 00 an d that the low quotes of Lindner Bros be accepted for the Gramline Estate in the amount of $2.375 and the Arrihgton property in thz amount of $1,685 for connection to the tit:) s sewer system 'l'lll~:l~l~l~~Ol<E, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of I.lur;kc):o does hereby accept the low quotes of John Lang for the I'latz property in the amount of $1,325 and for the Dixon ?roperty the Gramling Estate in the amount of $2.375 and the Arrington in Lhc nmount of $4,500 and the low quotes of Lindner Bros. for property in the amount of $1,685 for connection to the city's sewer sysrem &E 1'1 FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk and the Mayor are authorized to execute the necessary contracts in the name of the city