CCR1981015. a 8 RESOLUTION #15-81 ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID FOR NEW SQUAD CARS WHEREAS, bids have been advertised for four (4) new 1981 model squad cars, and WHEREAS, the following bids have been received Pric. P.r unit Dealer Vehicle - Cash With Trade With Trade byfair Chrysler 1981 Chrysler LeBaron $29.872.00 $22.047.00 55,511.75 Trade in allovance per unit 51,956.25 Per 4 cars 57.825.00 Ruas Darrow-Uaukeaha 1981 Chrysler Lekron 531,463.60 524,363.60 $6.090.90 Trade in allowance per unit 51.775.00 Per 4 cara 57,100.00 e Dodge CitY-Wau~atosa 1981 Dodge Diplomat Salon $30.156.00 524,556.00 $6.119.00 Trade in allowance per unit 51,400.01) Per 4 cars 5j,600.00 Holr Fbtors Chevrolet lmpala Trade io allowance per unit 51,400.00 Per 6 cars SS,600.00 $34,400.00 $28,800.00 S7,200.00 Hiller Ford Inc. 1981 Ford LTD Trade in allowance per unit 51,300.00 Per 4 cars 55,200.00 535,000.00 529,800.00 $7,450.00 WIIEKEAS. the Finance Committee has recommended that the low bid of Xayfair Chr,ysler in the amount of $22,047.00 for four (4) new 1981 model squad cars be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the low bid of payfair Chrysler in the amount of $22,047 00 for four (4) new 1981 model squad cars. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Comptroller be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents in the name of the city DATED THIS DAY OF , 1981 Michael B. Weed ATTEST e - Ci t Wayne Racltke January 26, 1981 TO : Mayor Jerome J. Cottfried and Finance Cownittee RE: Use of Squad Cars for Inspection The initial cost to the department would be approximately $2,200 per cai. and this would include the removing of the decals and repainting of the doors. The maintenance for one year, anticipating 11,000 miles per vehicle, and assuming LO mpg would be as follows: Gas (1100 gal. x $l.lO/gal.) $1,210 Lubrication and Oil (2) 32 Tires, averaging one per year 50 Brakes 250 50 Minor maintenance (fan belt.etc.) Insurance LOO .i $1.692 Anticipating that the cars would last three years, the initial purchase cost of $2,200 divided by 3 would be $733 per year. Therefore, the total cost per year per car could be estina- ted at $2,425 00. Respectfully submitted, Building Inspector Note: No consideration has been given to any major repairs which might be required. ORDERING OF SQUAD CARS E. J. SALENTINE: February 15. 1981 is the latest date that 198 #1 squads can be ordered This date vas changed from February 27 to the 15th since the bids vere filled out. Delivery vould be approximately the end of April. The earliest that 1982 models could be ordered would be the end of July or early August. The earliest they probably could be delivered vould be December 15. 1981 but after February 15 they will run just squads until orders are filled. c INFO: hick has made only 15/squads for the entire country to date MAYFAIR CHRYSLER: 1981 squads must be ordered by the middle or end of February (exact date unknown at this time) with delivery in 60 to 90 days. 1982 squads can be ordered in late August or early September have the firm prices. At this time the factory has no idea but they will not be sold by bid at that time as they do not vhen the squads would be built for delivery. One factory used for building squads is being closed and building of squads will be transferred to another plant. HILLER FORD: 1981 squads can be ordered up to June with 60 days delivery. expected in March or April. 1982 squads can be ordered starting in August with delivery