CCR1981014KESOLUTI~IN # 14-81 DETERMINATION OF NECESSITY (32.05) REI.OCATION ORDER AND BY TRK CUMWN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COIJN'TY, !<ISCONSIN, pertaining to thr acqllisition of owner- 8 ship of crrlnin lands for the strnet and highway system of thc City of I.hlskcgo. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, k'aukesha Coun~y, Visconsin, has determined that it is necessary for the public hr,nlLh and welfare to acquire ownership of certain lands for thc strcet and highway system of the City of Muskego. WHEREAS, the Common Council in order to effectuate said purpose finds it necessary to acquire ownership of certain lands as shown on the project map attached to this Order marked Exhibit "A" 0 and made a part hereof by reEerence; and \dltI:KEAS, the City has the power oE eminent domain pursuant to Section 32.05; NOlJ, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, finds and determines that to maintain a street and hishway system it is necessary to acquire ownership of thc map attached hereto, made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A" and described in Exhibit "8" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof pursuant to authority granted to the City under Section 32.05 \disconsin Statutes, and the Common Council hereby orders: 1. 'That the City shall cause an appraisal to be made of the propcrty proposed to be acquired. That the appraiser is specifically directed to follow the procedure itemized in Section 32.05 as amended. e 2. 'l'hat the City Attorney, City Planner and City Engineer are hereby directed to prepare any and all necessary appraisals, Einancing plans, compensatiou plans and all other jurisdictional documents required under Chapter 32, Wisconsin Statutes. 3. That the street and highway system layout is as shown on 'I'HLS OI.:I)EI< passed and adopted this /b day of a I Exhibit "A" 1981. Je&e J. Goflried; M 0 City C1rrk FOR: City of Muskego Proposed Road Right-of-way Acquisition Kurtze Lane All that part of the Northwest 's and Southwest 'i of Section 15. Town 5 North. Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha centerline of which is described as follows: County, Wisconsin, being a 60.00 foot wide strip of land, the Commencing-at the :Jest % corner of Section 15; thence along 33' 23" East, 432.12 feet; North 42" 48' 03" East, 979.72 a traverse line, the following described courses: North 10" of beginning of said centerline; thence North 88" 32' 23" feet; and North 41" 55" 53" East, 187.98 feet to the place East, 30.00 Feet distant from, measured normal to, and parallel 29' 37" East, 548.21 feet to an angle point referenced as to an existing property line, 1075.92 feet; thence South 1" Point "A"; thence South 16" 16' 23" West. 321 .62 feet; thence South 00" 59' 03" West. 379.47 feet; thence South 6" 39' 03" West, 17.00 feet to a point on the West % line of Section 15; thence continuing South 6' 39' 03" West. 673.09 feet; thence South 4' 44' 43" West, 65.00 feet to the point of termination. Together with the following described 60.00 feet wide strip of land and cul de sac, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at said point "A"; thence South 16" 16' 23" Vest, 10.00 feet; thence South 73" 43' 37" South 73" 43' 37" East, 45.00 feet; thence South 82" 32' East, 30.00 feet to the place of beginning; thence continuing 37" East, 280.00 feet to a point, said point lying North 16" 16' 23" East, and 20.00 feet distant from the center of of termination a cul de sac, radius of 50.00 feet. and also being the point of Woods Foad. and the following described parcel of land: Excepting therefron lands \vi thin th2 sxisting right-of-way All that part of the Northwest k of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of lands described on DOC. No. 351 555. Vol. 547. Page 113, Waukesha Cougty Register of Deeds; thence Easterly along an existing property line. 42.2 e 0 FOR: City of Muskego Proposed Road Right-of-way Acquisition Kurtze Lane All that part of the Northwest % of Section 15, Town 5 Uisconsin bounded and described as follows: North, Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Beginning at the Northeast corner of lands described on Doc. No. 351 555. Vol. 547, Page 113. Waukesha County Register of Deeds; thence Easterly along an existing proper- ty line, 42.2 feet; thence South 00" 59' 03" West, 367.20 feet to an existing property line; thence North 89" 17' 03" West. along said property line, 45.80 feet; thence North 1" 32' 03" East. along the Easterly 'line of lands described containing 0.37 acres. in said document 366.70 feet, to the place of beginning, See Title Report No. 814203 (Violet Bartholf) Richard C. Guenther