CCR1980168RESOLUTION #168-80 CLARIFICATION OF RESOLUTION 8222-79 (Re: Transfer of Funds) WHEREAS, on the 8th day of January, 1980, the Common Council, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, adopted Resolution 8222-79, and WHEREAS, the year of 1980 established in the resolution was in error, and WHEREAS, the auditors for the city have recommended that the Common Council, by resolution, change the date from 1980 to 1979, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby correct Resolution #222-79, entitled, Authorizing Transfer of Funds, to show the year 1980 as 1979. DATED THIS / $( DAY OF 1 , 1980 FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P: Dumke Ald. Michael B. Weed Ald. Wayne Radtke ATTEST : 0 City Clerk - RESOLUTION #222-79 AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS '(permits the budgetary adjustments listed below by the WHEREAS, Section 65.06 (6) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes Common Council, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that $21,100.00 be transferred from Unappropriated Surplus, Account #32005-000 to the accounts listed below, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the citj. of MuskegoYi upon the. recommendatdon Df the .Finance Co-i.ttee,;::does hereby. -direct =the-City; (31erk;.Comptro~ler:.r. to make-3he; following. adjustments:.with%n. the. .1980-Cit..yi- :: Budget..: ;. @*lice Department. Library Account I, I, I, , 1 - To 52000-1110 Police 'Overtime ' $6,200.00 52000-3311 Gas, Oil & Lub. 1,400.00 52000-5200 Haint. Bldgs. & Grounds 2,200.00 52000-5300 Maint. - Radios &, 000.00 52002-6100 Utilities 1,800.00 I ; Tot a1 15,600.00 ! I ! I. 57100-3213 Print Materials 2,000.00 57100-5100 Maint. -Vehicles & Equip 1.-,500.00 57100-3211 Office Supplies 1,800.00 57100-3212 Operating Supplies 200.00 FINANCE COMMITTEE la. Edwid P. Durnke a. 12/79 Jh