CCR1980103RES0LUTI:ON #103-.80
(Meich) - (.Baas) -. (Godsell) - (Obremski)
i WHEREAS, a request has been made by the owners thereof to allow
'im to connect to the sanitary sewer main fronting the real estate described.
erald J. hleich PT NW 1/4 of Section 32 T5N R20E Lot 14 Certified Survey Map Yo1 1
page 57-64 Volwnne 972 of deeds page 197, 1073/58
arold Baas; PT NE 114 Section 31 T5N R20E COM ATNE COR, TH S 1764.82 FT. TH
TH N 89 -54; F 147.58 ~FT, TH N 147.58 FT to BGN 1/2 AC. VOL 11801
S 89 54'' W 30 FT THE -BGN. TH 589 54, W 1.47158 FT; TH -S 147.58KFT
illiam J. Godsell: - PT NW 1/4 SEC 32 T5N R20E COM AT NW COR, TH SO 13'45" E 1942.25
FT, TH S89 39' 45" E 30 FT THE BGN. TH S89 39'45" E 185.25
FT, TH SELY ALG CURVE-- TH S 0 13'45" E 255.25 FT, TH W210 FT,
TH N 0 13'45" W 280 FT TO BGN AS EX IN 1.34 AC VOL 1118/298 DEEDS
dward W. Obremski.
PG 57-64 VOL 1047 OF DEEDS PG 258
(1) For the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of the
within the City, there is hereby le.gied and assessed against the
construction and installation of a sanitary sewer collection system
eight-inch sanitary sewer main having an average. depth of ten feet.
following above described real estate, which is the assessment of an
Miech $3,702 60
Obremski $3,344 79
Godsell $5,378.87
Baas $2,483 77
(2) There is further assessed the actual cost of the installation
of a sewer lateral to serve saib real estate together with the incidental
publication fees, if any. There is also levied against the above property
COStS Of said installation, including attorney and engineering fees and
Owners a $200 00 COnneCtiOn fee which shall be paid at the time the
redence is connected to the sewer system.
(3) Said assessment may be paid in ten annual equal installments,
.he first installment being due on the 1st day of November, 1980, and
;ubsequent installments annually thereafter. Interest at the rate Of
:ight (8%) per cent per annum on the entire assessment shall be charged.
'he first installment due shall include interest on the entire assessment -ram the date hereof to the 31st-day of December, 1980. Subsequent
.nstallrnents .shall include one year's interest upon the unpaid balance
If t& assessment.
,y mailing a copy of this resolution to the owners of the above listed
(4) The City Clerk is directed to give notice of this assessment
,roperties at their last known post office address or by personal service
lpon the owner.
"- " I= Resolution n"103-80
Page 2.
Cle within thirty days from the mailing or service of the aforesaid 9 (5) If the owner of the property shall file with the City
notice, a written notice that they elect to pay the special assessment
upon their property on or before November 1, 1980, special assessments
payable in installments shall not be made against said property of such
, and the owners shall pay the entire assessment when due.
(6) In the event a person so elects to pay such assessment on or
before November 1, 1980, but fails to do so, the entire amount of such
assessment together with interest thereon from date hereof to December 31,
on the tax roll for the year 1980 and collected as are other taxes of the
1980, at the rate of eight (8%) per cent per annum, which shall be entered
City, on a ten year installment basis.
(7) After the time for making such election shall have expired,
;uch assessment shall be due-and payable in installemts as aforesaid.;:-but
Iny assessment may be paid in full before due only upon the Payment of
interest to date of prepayment upon such assessment PIUS One Year's
interest on the then unpaid principal amount of such assessment. - I PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /a DAY OF , 1980.
Ald. Kenneth Steinberg
Ald Wayne Radtke