CCR1980087i RESOLUTION # 87-80 CERTIFYING BERGER LANE AS A PUBLIC HIGHWAY \?HEREAS, the City of Muskego has worked and maintained and the a period in excess of twenty (20) years, public used Berger Lane as described below as a public highway for THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of >luskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby declare that Berger Lane as described below is a public applicable law. That the legal description of Berger Lane referred highway pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 80.01(2) and any other to above is as follows All that part of the Northeast 2 of Section 1, Township 5 Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast 2 of Section 1, thence South 880 22' 24" West, along the North 20" East, 130 33 feet, thence North 83O 56' 01" East, line of said k Section, 1679.55 feet, thence South 4O 26' 10.00 feet to the place of beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence South 60 03' 59" East, along the Westerly line of Berger LAne, 488.23 feet; thence North 83O -56' 01" East, 50.00 feet; thence North 6O 03' 59" West, 445.19 feet; thence North 400 56' 38" West, 52.46 feet; thence South 830 56' 01" West, 20.00 feet to the place of beginning. North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, 0 DATED this 13th day of May , 1980. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ATTEST- Edwin P. Dumke ' Michael Weed Waytle Salentine City Clerk