CCR1980048RESOLUTION #48-80 ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER OF ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR THE YEAR 1980 .+ - C.2s *~. - WHEREAS, Section 7.33 of the Wisconsin Statutes.'FiZrTr?E- -Y?----:- -~- a municipality, by resolution, to modify Section 7 30 of the Wisconsin Statutes regarding the number of election officials needed, WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the City Clerk that the City increase the number of election officials for the remainder of 1980 from three to five, THEREFORE, BE I!? RESOLVED that the Common Council ~of:-th%~: -- ;--~-=' City of Muskego does hereby increase the number of election officials to five in all seven districts for the ~ Spring and Fall elections of 1980. ~~ .~ .. .. I .~ B DATED THIS DAY OF , 1@80. b ATTEST :