CCR1980022RESOLUTION ~?2-a0
I c)
(Re: Northwest Sewer Lagoons)
WHEREAS, the Sewer Utility of the City of Muskego has
previously leased a portion of the Vesbach property for
the purpose of locating the Northwest Treatment Facility,
WHEREAS, the lease has expired and it would be in the
best interest of the city to acquire the needed property
rather than to renew the lease,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor and City
Attorney to take whatever steps are necessary to acquire
the property on which the Northwest Treatment Facility
is located.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED in the event negotiations are not
successful the City Attorney is authorized to present
to the Common Council documents needed in order that the
Common Council can exercise its right of eminent domain.
PARCEL I Own'ership of this parcel to be acquired by the City.
All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16,
Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin, described as follows:
commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 16;
thence Westerly along the South line of Section 16,
340 feet more or less to the point of beginning:
thence continuing Westerly along the South line of
Section 16 to the East 1/8 line of Section 16; thence
Northerly along said East l/8 line 960 feet more or
less; thence Easterly 980 feet to a point which is
935 feet more or less North of the South line of
Section 16; thence Southerly and parallel to the East
1/8 line of Section 16, 935 feet more or less to the
South line of Section 16 and point of beginning con-
taining approximately 21.3 acres.
PARCEL 11 Sanitary Sewer Easement as to this parcel to be
acquired by the City.
All ;hat part of the ,Southeast 1/4 of Section 16,
Town 5 North, Range 20 East,. City of Muskego, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin, described as follows:
A 30 foot strip of land abutting, measured normal to
and lying East of the East.118 line of Section 16
North line of the following described real estate:
from the South right-of-way line of Woods Road to the
All that.part of the'southeast 1/4 of Section 16,
County, Wisconsin, described as follows:
Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesb
Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 16;
thence Westerly along the South line of Section 16,
340 feet more or less to the point of beginning:
thence continuing westerly along the South line Of
Section 16 to the East 1/8 line of Section 16; thence
Northerly along said,East,1/8 line 960 feet moF".Or
less; thence Easterly 980 a point is.
935 feet more or less North of-the South 1ine;o;f Section
16; thence Southerly and parallel to the East'.1/8 line
of Section 16, 935 feet more or less to the South Line
of Section 16 and point,of beginning containing
approximately 21.3 acres.
PARCEL 111 Ownership of this parcel to be acquired by the City.
All that part of the :Southeast 1/4 of Section 16;
Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin.
A strip of land 30 feet in width, as measured normal
to, lying Easterly of the:.following described line:
? .,
beginning at the Northwest corner of the previously
described parcel for,City of Muskego Sewage
Stabilization Pond; thence North, along thz East 1/8
line of Section 16, 360 feet, more or less, to North-
east corner of the W. Fillman Property; thence North
80" Nest, 95 feet; thence North 48O West, 130 feet
more or less to Southerly right-of-way line of Iqoods
PARCEL IV Ownership of this parcel to be acquired by the City.
All that part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16,
Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin, described as follows:
Commencing at thr point of intersection of the Southerly
right-of-way line of Woods Road and the East line of
said Section 16, said right-of-way of Woods Road being
66 feet wide; thence Southwesterly along the Southerly
right-of-way line of Woods Road, 65 feet; thence South-
easterly at right angles to aforementioned right-of-way
line, 68 feet more or less to the East line of Section
16; thence Northerly along the East line of Section 16,
95 feet more or less to the Southerly right-of-way line
of Woods Road and the point of beginning.
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